Moruya District Hospital Auxiliary & Batemans Bay Auxiliary members recently attended The United Hospital Auxiliaries of NSW Inc (UHA) 84th Annual State Conference held at Tweed Heads. It is always a great opportunity to network with members of other branches throughout New South Wales and share fundraising ideas.
Mr Geoff Provest, MP Member for Tweed officially opened the Conference and then it was down to business where we tackled Resolutions and General Business. Our Guest Speaker for the day was Andrew Abrahams - World Record Rower & Adventure 4 a cure, who was inspirational, his theme was "You Gotto Wanna" With the right attitude you can do anything.
The second day was Officially Opened by Mrs Leslie Williams MP - Parliamentary Secretary for Regional and Rural Health. It is our Presentation Day with Trophy winners for funds raised during the year and included Life Memberships awarded by our Patron Mrs Linda Hurley, wife of His Excellency The Honourable David Hurley Governor of NSW. Mrs Hurley in her address stated the Auxiliaries work was appreciated by patients and staff alike. Our Guest Speaker Bob Ansett - the founder of Budget Rent a Car was another inspiration with his "CAN DO" attitude and slogan.
Our State Treasurer announced in her 2016-17 financial Report, the Auxiliaries, through our 193 branches and 5,502 members had raised Net $5,899,324.67 and Gifted Net $5,469,880.69 for the comfort and care of patients in hospitals, MPS and Community Health throughout NSW. She congratulated members on the total hours volunteered 973,029 which equates to 540 Full Time employees.
Moruya District Hospital Auxiliary was presented with a Merit Award Certificate for raising over $50,000 Net. Auxiliaries throughout NSW could not achieve these wonderful results without our communities and we thank them for their continual support.
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Above:Back /Row from left Chris Smith Moruya Treasurer, Vic Smith Moruya, Margarette Hirst Queanbeyan
From row from left Ann McClintock & Trish Sweeney Batemans Bay and Kath Smith Moruya Secretary