The Bodalla LALC will be hosting an Aboriginal Touch Football Tournament in Bodalla on 9 December 2017. This event is focussed on bringing the local community together for the purpose of promoting Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing. Organisers decided earlier this year to create an event where the whole south coast can come together in Bodalla for a day of celebration. The members of Bodalla LALC remembered when Bodalla used to host the World Aids Day touch football KO and were keen to commemorate this day again. The first touch football competition in Bodalla in many years we decided to create an Opens (15+) and Under 14's mixed touch football knockout. Organisers see this event as an opportunity for community to come together, learn more about local services in the area and watch/play competitive touch football. If you are interested in entering a team, please contact Bodalla LALC Aboriginal Touch Football Knockout for registration packages.