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100 Years Ago 19th January 1918

Writer: The BeagleThe Beagle

Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 19 January 1918, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:

BRAIDWOOD CORONER. – Mr. T. W. Draper, late Mayor of Braidwood, and favourably known to residents of Moruya through the establishment of our local Freezing Works, has been appointed Coroner at Braidwood.

BODALLA BALL. – We have to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of a complimentary press ticket from the Hon. Sec. Mrs. G. V. Ebsworth, for the Red Cross Ball which is to take place at Bodalla on Friday night next, the 25th inst.

SHOW JUDGES. – Moruya’s Agricultural and Pastoral Society’s committee has had the good fortune to secure two recognised tip-top horse judges for the coming show next month, in the persons of Mr. Gerard Armstrong, J. P., Crookhaven, Shoalhaven, for blood and miscellaneous and Mr. R. Kennedy, J. P., Reidsdale, Braidwood, for the draught horses.

HOTEL ADELAIDE. – This hotel has become very popular since coming under the management of Mr. Tom Mallett, and it is now found that the building is not nearly large enough to accommodate many of the visitors applying thereat. Mr. “Jack” Wilson, who had charge of the business during Mr. Mallett’s temporary absence in Sydney, informs us that during last week he accommodated 140 guests and was obliged to refuse as many as 25 in one day.

RACE AND SHOW RIGHTS. – Publicans, fruiterers and tea tent caterers should not fail to attend the sale of rights in connection with the coming races and show, which takes place today (Saturday) at the “Examiner” Office at 2 30 p.m.

ANGLING. – Disciples of Isaak Walton who have had the good luck to reside in Moruya, or if visitors have had the time at their disposal to indulge in their favourite pastime, have lately been having a bosker time amongst the finnie down the river near the entrance. Large sea whiting are biting very freely, and are mostly plentiful in shoals near the moth when the tide is near the full. The other evening Mr. C. Cheeseman, who is a most enthusiastic angler, had two lines out from the beach, just above the breakwater, and was catching whiting so quickly that he was obliged to knock off and also release a number, as he had more than he could carry home. Half the tourists who pass through Moruya for other watering places must be ignorant of the splendid angling our river affords and the large quantity of luscious oysters that can be had.

NORTH HEAD’S ROAD. – Whilst we on behalf of the public tender to the Shire Council our appreciation of the inexpensive work already performed on the North Head’s Road, we would like to point out that the great bugbear to our delightful surfing beach and excellent fishing grounds is the small salt water inlet which crosses the road at Garlandtown at high tide. A small inexpensive culvert would obviate this.

SHIRE COUNCIL. – At the monthly meeting of the Eurobodalla Shire Council on the 9th inst. Crs. D. Hutchison (char), J. Sebbens, J. Bate, H. J. Thomson, H. J. Bate and H. J. Mallon were present.


From Chief Secretary’s Department asking for approval for public holiday for Tilba Tilba Show on 14th inst. [Approval granted.]

From Moruya Jockey Club asking that Monday and Tuesday, 4th and 5th February, be proclaimed public half-holidays. [Request granted.]


A petition was received from H. Luck and others asking for attention to the road leading to the Recreation Ground at the South Head at Moruya. [The matter was referred to the Engineer for report and estimate.]


It was resolved that application be made to the Inspector-General of Police to have the police quarters at Moruya, Bateman’s Bay, Narooma and Tilba Tilba connected with the local exchanges.

VERIFICATION. – Mr. William Morris Hughes has fully verified the very poor opinion we entertained of his reliability, as expressed in the “Examiner” during the progress of the first Referendum on Conscription, by his contemptable disregard of pledges made at Bendigo and on other occasions during the last Referendum. Billy Hughes and his pals are such a smellful lot that it is safest for one’s health to keep clear of them and allow them to wallow in their own filth.

Nineteen 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1917 are available ($5 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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