MORUYA Probus Club started its 2018 activities with a luncheon at the Adelaide Hotel on Tuesday. That was after a brief meeting of the committee.
President Vince Fisher received some nominations for the annual election of officer to be held in March and reminded committee members that nominations would close on February 27 with the election to take place on March 22, followed by the Changeover Luncheon.
Tours Officer Barbara Dorman said that March 6 had been set down for a day trip to Eden including a cruise on the launch Cat Ballou. There will be a car pool for the outing. There was some discussion about potential trips this year including one to Joadja, near Mittagong, and at least one winery.
Moruya Probus meets at Moruya Golf Club at ten-o’clock on the fourth Tuesday of each month with potential new members always more than welcome.
There are many advantages with being a member of Probus. Apart from meeting new friends, and sometimes some old ones, there are opportunities of being involved in outings. There are discounts for some members with restaurants and hotels and more reasonable travel insurance rates that seniors may otherwise be offered.