Moruya River
If your planning on fishing Moruya river, you really can't go past the bridge flats on a high tide at the moment.
Last half of the run in and the first half of the run out has fished exceptionally well for whiting, bream, flathead and perch. Bassday Sugarpen's have been getting the job done, particularly when fitted with stinger assist hook's.
Luderick are in town! Many sizable Luderick are coming in off the southern side of the rockwall east of Preddy’s wharf. Cabbage is working great for bait!!
Bass have been on the bite in the upper reaches of the Moruya river. MegaBass grand siglett and Tiemco soft shell cicadas are your best bet!
Tuross River
The shallow back lake's in Tuross are fishing well for bream, flathead and whiting using surface lures like Jackson pygmy poppers.
The flats down the front of the system have been producing some good numbers of whiting. Fresh baits like bloodworms and yabbies are the way to go. Bassday Sugarpens are also working great!
The oyster leases throughout the system are fishing extremely well for bream using hardbodied lures like Daiwa double clutch. Surface lures early in the morning are also an effective and exciting way to target bream in the racks.
With the big swell as of late, unfortunately we don't have anything to report for offshore, rocks and beaches, but the weekend is shaping up to be a good one! The rough seas will have stirred things up and the fish should be on the bite.
The following report freshwater report is supplied by Josh, owner, Tackle World Goulburn.
Wyangala Dam Tough week for the dam - the weather didn't help things as the water temp dropped 3 degrees celcius and to top that off, 15-25 kph winds from the south east made fishing tough early in the week. Most reports were 1-3 fish per day at best. The turning point was Wednesday when the wind changed to come from the north east and the water started to warm up again. This weekend looks fantastic and should bring the fish back on the chew. If your looking for something to do, head out there - it will be hot weather and fishing.
Pejar Dam
Pejar normally fishes really well with a cool snap, but it seems its still a little warm for the trout and still too cool for the bass. This weekend could change all that, more for the bass fisho’s - the weather looks great - fish early in the morning or late evening for the best bite try using Rapala originals in the morning or even a sinking version around the rock wall. It would be worth using a cicada topwater also until the sun gets up too high.
Wollondilly River
The whole river system has come alive in the last few days with the redfin being very aggressive. Lures are still your best bet from soft plastic on very light jig-heads to chubby style hard-bodies - no more than 50mm. Casting the snags will find the fish very quickly, with the best area being below Victoria Street bridge.
Tight Lines my friends and remember “every day’s a good day for fishing … “
Team Tackle World Moruya