Bay Theatre Players is launching its Youth Theatre Program for 2018 this Saturday (3/2) at 2pm, at the Bay Playhouse in Gregory Street.
All young people (ages 8-18) who may be interested in the performing arts are invited to come along and register for this year’s workshop program.
BTP’s Youth Coordinator, Belinda Quick said ‘We are hoping to run workshops in two groups, 8-12 years and 13-18 years.

Above: BTP youth theatre members workshopping a script - Nina McConaghy, Liarna Miller, Lily Marion and Holli Cockran.
‘We are looking at a variety of skills-based workshops that will prepare kids for performance opportunities in 2019.
BTP’s Lyn Sterling added, ‘research has shown that exposure to the arts is beneficial to youth in many ways. The Arts can help teens develop many positive skills – like creative thinking, motivation, persistence, collaboration and problem solving as well as improving their confidence and academic performance.
‘Workshops create a safe, non-threatening environment so that children feel comfortable in exploring their creative side.
‘So join us on Saturday to find out what we have to offer.’
Please contact Belinda on 0448 830 011 for further information.