I hope you are all sitting tight with fingers crossed as the ASX relentlessly and brainlessly follows the Dow roller coaster over the past couple of days.
Anyone who still doubts that investing is not 80% psychology and only 20% finance must be watching this market with baited breath. All the news outlets seeming to be saying how good the economy is (the finance bit), while the stock market does cartwheels based on psychology of fear (of further falls that are "well overdue" - whatever that means) and greed (ah, this will be a good buying opportunity, so they tell us). How much more fun could you have without a football?
Back to the topic, Bill!
Yes, this is a reminder that the next meeting of the South Coast ASA discussion group is in one week's time - next Wednesday 14 February (Valentines Day, in case your partner hasn't already reminded you), at 2.00pm at our usual venue, Community Room at the Bay Link Centre, 3 Flora Street.
I am currently wandering around Tasmania (my apologies for missing the meeting), and Michael Perry will be running the meeting next week.
I'm sure there will be plenty to talk about, particularly your ideas about this recent market turmoil, and what you are doing to protect (or capitalise on) your portfolio.
Just a reminder that the 2018 ASA Annual Conference is on 21 and 22 May, in Sydney. Early bird registration closes at end of March, and we will have some brochures and further information available at our meeting in March.
I have been to the last 4 ASA annual conferences and highly recommend them for anyone wanting to learn the latest in sharemarket investment strategies and services.
Until then, please take care
Bill Radley
Convenor South Coast ASA Discussion Group