Officers from the State’s Traffic and Highway Patrol Command issued more than 1,200 infringements for mobile phone use, more than 130 for not keeping left and more than 500 defects in a one-day state-wide traffic operation yesterday.

The infringements were issued during Operation Compliance 1 which ran yesterday (Wednesday 7 February 2018), targeting dangerous driver behaviour across the State.
During the operation, officers continued to see people disobeying the law, with officers issuing 1,215 infringements for mobile phone offences, 137 infringements for people not keeping left, and 586 infringements for defective vehicles on NSW Roads.
Commander of the Traffic & Highway Patrol, Assistant Commissioner Michael Corboy said yesterday’s operation should serve as a warning for all drivers of the risks on our roads. “Despite the numerous warnings and obvious dangers to drivers and innocent road users, the message not to text and drive, is just not getting through.
"In a single day, officers issued more than 1,200 infringements to people who made the selfish choice to use their phone while driving.
“For anyone to take their eyes and concentration off the road and onto a phone while driving shows a complete disregard for personal safety and the safety of everyone else on the road.
“586 defective vehicles in a single day, highlights the level of risk on our roads. Defective brakes, faulty lights, bald tyres, and other issues add to the likelihood of serious injury or death in a crash.
“We have already lost 46 lives on NSW roads this year and the greatest tragedy is that many deaths were avoidable if people took responsibility for their actions and for the maintenance of the vehicles they are driving
“Now is the time for all drivers, riders, cyclists and pedestrians to re consider their own behaviour on our roads, and not take what are perfect driving conditions today, for granted,” Assistant Commissioner Corboy said.
NSW Police conduct regular compliance operations throughout the year, focussing on key risks on NSW roads.