Moruya District Hospital Auxiliary, is excited to inform the community the Auxiliary gifted $107,000 to Moruya District Hospital to allow the purchase of a state of the art Ultrasound which commenced service in early January.

Above: front left MDHA President Lyn Rixon and Sandra Evans Sonographer at Moruya Hospital
The Ultrasound will allow for servicing within the hospital and greatly increase the comfort and care of hospital patients who previously had to travel outside the hospital for this service, including to ACT. It will assist in Theatre for minor procedures, the Emergency Dept and Maternity Dept. Outpatients can also utilise the facility.
Our members were fortunate, after our recent monthly meeting, to receive a viewing of the Ultrasound and the newly renovated Imaging Dept including the new CT machine.
We would like to thank the community for their continued support, we could not reach our fundraising goals and be able to gift items such as the Ultrasound without this support.
Remember every time you buy a raffle ticket, an item from street stalls or attend any of the Auxiliary fundraising events you are helping to purchase items on the hospital's "Wish List" which is ongoing."
We have commenced fundraising for 2018 which includes our Autumn Raffle selling from 8th February and being drawn on 20th April and our weekly Sunday Bingo at the Moruya Bowling & Recreation Club eyes down 1.30pm.
For further information check out our website: or email us at