SOME plans for the annual changeover of officers were made at the February meeting of Moruya Probus Club committee. The important matter of the menu for the luncheon that will follow the annual meeting on March 27 was discussed, as well as possible changes to the constitution.
Tours officer Barbara Dolman told the meeting that arrangements had been made for a day trip to Eden on March 6, the $35 to include a two-hour launch trip on waters in the Eden region. Travel will be by cars that will leave Moruya at nine-o’clock in the morning.
There was also some discussion about possible trips, including one to Joadja (near Mittagong), and the possibility of taking part in a trip to Mudgee in October being organised by Batemans Bay Probus.
President Vince Fisher told the committee there had been applications for membership from two Bingie residents. Members agreed to accept them as members.
Guest speaker at the next meeting, to be held at Moruya Golf Club on February 27, starting at ten-o’clock will be Tuross resident Geri Taylor.
Geri was born in America and has been involved in teaching health and exercise since the 1980s. She has been teaching Pilates for nearly 20 years in Europe, America and Australia.
She is also trained Bowen Therapist, and her talk will include the history of these two modalities.
As usual, prospective new members will be welcomed at the meeting.