The South Durras Handmade Market is back this year on Easter Saturday 31 March
The organisers are seeking help with the market:
Would you like to donate some fresh produce for our Produce stall - herbs, fruit, veggies, native flowers etc?
Would you like to donate some baked goodies for our cake stall - cakes, biscuits, savoury pies and flans etc?
Volunteer helpers are required on the day - Interested? Then please contact Helen Tennant 44786284 or 0412958582
Donations of produce and food can be brought to Durras Hall on Good Friday 30 March at 5pm or first thing in the morning on Market Day.
This year will see all the usual great stalls and some new ones and live music. The event is to raise funds for the Durras headland footpath.
Should be another great Market so please spread the word and see you there!