The Beagle Editor, Your readers might be interested in a letter I have written to the Prime Minister Bequeathing to future Australians the abyss of socialism and totalitarianism - The greatest failure of Liberal political leaders Dear Prime Minister, The following has been sent to all Federal Coalition Senators and MHRs "Dear Federal Coalition Senators and Members, The true purpose of the specially created UN agencies: WMO, UNEP, UNIPCC, UNFCCC, COPs and ICLEI (refer footnote) was to implement the UN Agenda 21. The campaign was launched in 1992 at the UN’s Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Its planning had begun about two decades or more earlier. The enormity of this deliberate act of malfeasance by the UN agencies formally came to light in 2015. It had taken 20 years of elaborate persuasion at annual Conferences of the Parties (COPs) before the UN spokespeople formally announced the true aims of Agenda 21. Although some leaks had occurred in 2006. The true aims are: “to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history within a defined period of time to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution. That will not happen overnight and it will not happen at a single conference on climate change. It just does not occur like that. It is a process, because of the depth of transformation.” To that announcement, this was added: “that the goal of the dominant environmental activists in the UN is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism”. From 2008 the Obama Administration aggressively supported this UN Agenda 21 process, leading the way politically and financially. The US Democratic Party’s platform was worded in support: “US Democrats believe that carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases should be priced to reflect their negative externalities, and to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy and help meet our climate goals.” This description matches the UN Agenda 21 strategies and objectives. The Obama Administration’s commitment to this end can be measured by the Congressional Budget Office’s estimates that the US has been spending almost as much on ‘climate change’ as it did on the Apollo missions - US$200 Billion in 2012 dollars. Having each attended the Paris meeting, Australia’s Prime Minister Turnbull, Foreign Minister Bishop and, Environment Minister Hunt ratified the 2015 Paris Agreement. The ratification action manifested acceptance of the unproven scientific claims shaped by the UNIPCC’s reports from 1992. These unproven claims formed the platform pursued throughout the twenty annually held COPs and the endless intervening meetings of committees held by the UNFCCC before the 2015 Paris meeting. The Turnbull Government complied with the Obama Administration’s process by ratifying the Paris Agreement on 10 November 2016, the day following the election of President Trump. President Trump announced the United States withdrawal from the 2015 Paris Agreement,” The Agreement as it stands would make it “very hard” for the US “to compete with the rest of the world,” and said leaving it would save 2.7million jobs, primarily in manufacturing. It just transfers (coal) jobs out of the United States and ships them to other countries”. (ABC 2 June 2017). It will have the same outcome for Australia as an advanced nation, but, this has never been addressed by the Turnbull Government. Moreover, the Turnbull Government has never sought to verify the veracity of the UN’s scientific claims. It has ignored the repetitive calls for them to do so. Thus, Australia is being subjected to the fear inspired by the repeated unproven claims about global warming/climate change, when, literally hundreds of billions have been spent across the world to verify the claims, without any success. Yet, the Turnbull Government continues to allow non-independent and government scientists, environmental activists and media to continue repeating fraudulent statements, with impunity. This has led to a totally bewildering state of misinformation and a very confused community. Australians may well ask why our current Liberal political leaders have supported a Paris Agreement that is intended to take us and our future generations to collectivist socialism and loss of freedom? The serious dangers of this situation created by the Turnbull Government have been underscored by a growing number of published articles: “Rising threat of activist Left’ by Brian Loughnane (The Australian 4 February 2018) which addresses many of the threats listed here. In the same publication just one week later, Dr Jennifer Oriel refers to “A world without borders - the global government envisioned by greens parties - would destroy liberal democracy. The free world constitutes a minority of states and a relatively small percentage of the world’s population. in the global political system envisioned by greens parties, most votes would be cast by members of Islamist and communist states. Totalitarianism would spread its tentacles across the globe”. “Liberal democratic nations pose a significant problem for supranationalists because they demonstrate the nation state system can generate prosperity, security and stability for its citizens.” It is no coincidence that it is the wealth of the advanced nation states that the Paris Agreement seeks to transfer to the non-advanced states in its quest to intentionally transform the economic development model which has allowed the advanced nation states to succeed. Oriel points out that the current “UN Secretary - General Antonio Guterres who is also President of Socialist International proposed that a global government be governed by a UN parliamentary assembly.“ Students of the UN will recognize that the so-called G77 non-developed nations now constitute the 132 nations who control the UN General Assembly. They have a close relationship with China and Russia. The current political leadership of the Federal Coalition Government in Australia is taking Australia in a very dangerous socialist direction. It is a situation that must be put to the voters of Australia to decide. Neville Hughes Surf Beach, NSW 2536 A long term and very concerned member of the Liberal Party of Australia Footnote: The UN agencies which created, promoted and implemented the strategies and tactics of Global Warming/ Climate Change alarmism of the UN Agenda 21 plan: UNEP - UN Environment Programme WMO - World Meteorological Organisation UNIPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change UNFCCC - UN Framework Convention on Climate Change UNCOPs - UN Conference of the Parties UN ICLEI - UN International Council for Local Environment Initiatives or Local Governments for Sustainability UNEP and WMO were responsible for forming the others. They came into existence in the last two decades of the last century. Each has played key roles in building their unproven claims that dangerous Global Warming/ Climate Change is caused by human related carbon dioxide emissions. A claim for which there is no evidence
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NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication
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