Moruya River
Good numbers of fish are still spread throughout the system. The sand flats near the airport have produced some nice flathead using soft plastics like the Squidgies paddle tail fish in both silver fox and black and gold.
Quarry wharf has been keeping the kids amused with plenty of tailor and a few large trevally hanging around. Baits like pillie cubes and Tuna fillets are working great.
Whiting are being caught around the hospital flats in reasonable numbers and have been taking a liking to fresh baits like beach worms and live yabbies.
There are plenty of estuary perch schooling on a lot of the snags throughout the river. Suspending hard bodies like Atomic jerk minnows have been catching a few.
Tuross River
Good schools of whiting are on the flats towards the front of the system. Although a few have still been tempted to a surface bite, the majority have been caught using fresh beach worms and live yabbies.
The same area has seen some large flathead landed this week. Soft plastics like Gulp swimming mullet in pumpkin seed and live poddy mullet for bait have both been working well.
Bream and perch have been pulled out of the snags around the highway bridge. Very light weighted soft plastics like Zman grubs seem to be doing the job.
Rocks and Beaches
The beaches have fished very well this week with large schools of salmon all up and down the coast, particularly Potato Point. A large Hammer head shark has been spotted in close chasing the salmon, so be careful if getting in the water. Metal slugs are working great on the salmon and pillies for bait also.
Squid are being caught around the Broulee area in good numbers. When fishing off the rocks be cautious of the swell and seriously consider wearing a life jacket particularly if fishing alone.
Fishing the bottom in roughly 40 metres using baits like pillies and squid has seen many nice flathead caught off Windsock beach and also Tuross beach.
The 50-60 metre mark has been holding some nice snapper and mowie, both bait and jigs are working. A few sharks have been also been hanging around the reefs just offshore.
The following freshwater report is brought to us by Josh, owner, Tackle World Goulburn.
Wyangala Dam The Dam is still dropping and the wind has been playing havoc out there. Sounds bad doesn't it, but its not - the fishing has been on the improve. We spent a few days out there in horrendous conditions filming some up coming episodes of IFish TV and the fishing was great! We caught cod on Predatecs in Zebra & Mulga frog and Gangster 2.5 oz Motherfrogger and Yellas off the trees using live shrimp and black grubs and Carp on fly and spinning black grubs. It was only a matter of covering some ground, as the fish are schooled - once you find them you will catch a few in the same area. We mainly fished the Abercrombie from the mouth to Greenmantle. Dane Rowsell & Shaun Corcoran also found the fish with Shaun landing his first metre cod.
Pejar Dam
More good reports than bad ones this week from Pejar! The cold snap has woken up the trout with three very nice fish caught slow trolling tassies - all the fish being better than 50 cm. The bass are still on the chew with good catches over the weed mainly on dusk - the bite will end soon for the bass as the water cools, so I would suggest you get out there while they’re still having a crack. This weekend, I would be going deep for the trout - try using tassies cast from the bank or very slow trolled.
Wollondilly River
Good redfin numbers at Mulwarree Ponds bridge Braidwood Road this week, with most fish being caught on minnow & chubby style lures- the best being Strada Tragic & Badger, these lures are performing and it won’t take long to catch a few reddies with them on the line. I would also suggest the area between Victoria St bridge and Tully park this stretch has also produced good numbers this week.
If travelling on the roads, please drive careful and be patient with the extra traffic around.
Stay safe and have a happy Easter!!
Tight line my friends and remember “every day’s a good day for fishing … “
Team Tackle World Moruya