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Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Jeff Aschmann presentation to Council - 27 March 2018

Above: Jeff Aschmann presented to the Ordinary Council Meeting 27 March 2018 regarding Regional Forest Agreements requesting Council lobby to have them oveturned

Jeff Aschmann made the below comments at the Ordinary Council Meeting 27 March 2018.

I am here to encourage Council to get involved in the upcoming Rural Forestry Agreements. Why: Because decisions will impact on us:

*20 years old, things have changed.


1. Demographic change has taken place. More people now live near these Forests which very often do not compliment why they move here.

2. Our drinking H2O catchments are also located within areas of proposed logging and wood chipping which will impact on our H2O water quality and quantity. Also factor in Climate Change (Deua, Tuross, Buckenborra)

3. Future carbon credits may earn more $ by keeping the trees in the ground ex- savanna burning

4. The logging and wood chipping perceptual impact is detrimental to our valuable tourist industry.

Ex – no picture of this activity/nature

4. Value added hardwood now has a more potential market. Ex – with free trade agreements. Wood chippings has the least value/labour intensive $40 > Firewood $120 > Flooring etc.

5. If the trees are left in the ground we could have more of a “land use” planning option for the betterment of the community. Ex – bike trails, horse riding. Low-key tourism. *Also will take less pressure off the parks.

Conclusion – If these agreements are simply rolled over without major debated changes, we may lose out on possible future opportunities as well as protection of what we have.

I encourage Council to get involved in the debate.

Think out of the square, out of the pack.

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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