At 1.38pm on the 19th of April Timmy Burke contacted his mate and colleague, Kathy Shields with the fantastic idea of putting together an Open Day/ Fundraiser for the victims of the dreadful fires that devastated the small village of Tathra on the 18th of April 2018. By 3.17pm on the 20th of April they had the required approval from the Management Committee of EAR Inc. to go ahead….. Then it was all systems go, a date and time decided upon!!! No holding back these two!!

Timmy got stuck right into producing and publicising a poster and a promo and Kathy set about promoting the event through the various media outlets including the Beagle Weekly, and within the ranks of the 2EAR FM volunteer Presenters. Pretty soon a roster was up and running for the proposed 24 hour broadcast. Lots of work goes on behind the scenes for events such as this, so while Timmy concentrated on acquiring live entertainment and prizes to boost the fundraising and additional publicity through Facebook, promos, organizing sound equipment, etc., Kathy took on the rest of the necessary tasks, Liaison with Bega Shire Council and their Mayoral Appeal Fund, setting up a Tathra Fund Account, compiling a 24 hour roster, keeping fellow Presenters informed and involved, decking out the Radio Station for the big event, organising food and refreshments to keep the troops going...the list goes on with some of the chores continuing until the end of April! She couldn’t match Timmy’s marathon 24 hour stint, but Kathy was active at the Station on the 3rd of April from 6am to almost midnight. Whew!! No wonder weariness set in!! Thanks too to our newest Presenter, Rob Cove who kept Timmy company and also assisted greatly with the sound equipment during the many live broadcasts.
Kathy & Tim wish to thank their fellow Volunteers who got behind the event to make it the huge success that it is - Cherie, Rob Cove, Brad, John & Joy, Kaye, Tony Jaggers, Disko, Megan, Bob James, Steve, Cris, Max, Margaret & Neil, you all deserve a pat on the back. A huge thank you also to all of those who have pledged financial support to the Appeal thus far!! Funds are rolling in slowly, but surely! Any amount that you are able to donate will be greatly appreciated by all concerned, especially the Tathra victims. Please keep supporting the Appeal AND the AUCTIONS and keep the funds rolling in until the end of April. Go to or the 2EAR FM Facebook page on how to donate and to bid on the auction Financial Donations to the 2EAR FM Tathra Fire Appeal are tax deductible and can be made at: - · Horizon Credit Union· (S2) Account Name : - EAR Inc. - Tathra Fire Appeal· Account Number: - 100087103 BSB : -802-124 ...Either as an Electronic Transfer OR in person at the Horizon Credit Union Moruya. You can donate any time using these methods!! Donations made via Bank Transfer will be able to provide their transaction details to the Australian Tax Office. If you are unable to bank on line or to deposit in person at the Moruya Horizon Bank in Vulcan Street, money orders and postal note donations can be marked “EAR Inc. - Tathra Fire Appeal” and posted to 2EAR FM, PO Box 86, Moruya NSW 2537 or you can drop your donation into the station at 9 Rose Street, Moruya.· You can phone 2EAR FM to talk to one of our Presenters on 4474 3443 OR the Office on 4474 5445.The 2EAR FM Tathra Fire Appeal account will be operational at least until the end of April 2018. All of the Funds raised will then be transferred to the official Bega Mayoral Appeal Fund.