Rotary’s annual bowel cancer awareness campaign is now underway.
The BowelCare campaign is assisted by Rotary Clubs in south-east NSW including Narooma Rotary Club.
Kits are on sale in Narooma, Cobargo and Bermagui pharmacies until 31 May.
Narooma Rotary BowelCare coordinator John Rungen said Narooma Rotary Club is proud to support this campaign each year.
‘That’s because this one simple and cheap test you do at home could save your life,’ he said.
Gastroenterologist Dr Howard Hope said Bowel Cancer is Australia's second biggest cancer killer.
‘Rotary’s efforts encourage around 150,000 people across Australia to test regularly each year,’ he said.
‘Through this campaign, a large number of bowel cancer cases are detected that otherwise may not have been found so early and bowel cancer is one of the most curable cancers if detected early.’
Australia has the world's highest incidence of bowel cancer with 1 in 12 men and women diagnosed with bowel cancer by the age 85. Age is an important factor; the risk begins at age 40, doubling every 5 years and more rapidly as the person gets older.
The kit (with instructions) costs $15 from local pharmacies. A pre-paid envelope is included.
The $15 covers the cost of the kit, pathology tests and the reporting of results to both you and your nominated doctor. Strict medical confidentiality is maintained at all times.
It is a not-for-profit project managed and supported by Rotary clubs across Australia to improve community health.

Above: Narooma Plaza pharmacist Anthony Whittle and Narooma Rotary President Bob Aston check out the BowelCare kits now on sale at all local pharmacies.