For over 10 years Project Rockit has been empowering school students to stand up to hate instead of standing by watching, through the lens of (cyber)bullying Project Rockit workshops explore themes of diversity, belonging, respectful relationships, values and ethics, while building student voice, leadership and empathy All their workshops have a strong focus on student empowerment, self expression and safety and they aim to raise students social and self awareness and create an environment where diversity is celebrated. The Project enables teachers to put students in the driver's seat. Through a variety of role plays, activities and games, and interactive discussion, they’re the ones who identify and then explore the content and extract the messages within the workshops. If you have a child attending school they might well be introduced to Project Rocket as part of the tool kit in addressing the very real issues around bullying. You can learn more HERE
When Rosie and Lucy finished high school, they set out to create the change they wanted to see in the world