SOME details of planned outings were heard by members at the April meeting of Moruya Probus Club at Moruya Golf Club on Tuesday. But tours officer Barbara Dorman said she was holding back information on some other possibilities.
Barbara said that recently she had been given information on some tours, some one-day and some longer, planned by Batemans Bay Probus. Moruya members would be welcomed to join in on them, she said.
With those, and their own Club outings, members can look forward to a wine and brewery outing to Murrumbateman later this year and the possibilities of outings to Cockington Green in Canberra, Horse Island and Bawley Point. Lakes Entrance was also mentioned.
Earlier Netta Berringer had given a short talk on the two Pop Up Shops held in the Moruya Book Shop in December and January. Aimed at promoting Moruya, including its businesses, they had been very successful, Netta said. Topics had included food outlets, Granite Park (“beautiful now, and a good spot for family picnics,” she said), markets, history walks, patrolled beaches, the aerodrome, Museum and medical facilities.
In the absence of the usual joke-teller president Max Hogno gave members the benefit of some plays on words, such when a manicurist married a dentist…”they fought tooth and nail”.
Max also spoke of plans for a membership drive, with a meeting at Broulee Village soon. He also said he would like to receive at the May meeting some suggestions for the annual photo competition.
Moruya Probus meets at Moruya Golf Club at ten-o’clock on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Prospective new members are always welcome.
There are many advantages with being a member of Probus. Apart from meeting new friends, and sometimes some old ones, there are opportunities of being involved in outings. There are discounts for some members with restaurants and hotels and more reasonable travel insurance rates that seniors may otherwise be offered.
Anyone seeking details may contact Max Hogno on 4474 2324.