To the north the Fairfax led Fix It Now Campaign appears to be gaining the support of local politicians with South Coast MP Shelley Hancock and Deputy Shoalhaven Mayor Clr Patricia White being quite vocal. The Fix It Now campaign is directed at the Princes Highway however which ever way you read it the campaign appears to have a boundary that stops at the edge of the South Coast Register readership. While Councillor White has been advocating for improvements in her local media wearing her South East Area Transport Strategy (SEATS) President's hat she has said little if anything of the bulk of the Princes Highway that lays outside of her electorate. The Transport Network Strategy body that she chairs was established to collectively identify a number of Priority Projects that go beyond the boundaries of individual local councils and benefit the entire region and beyond. In the Eurobodalla there is only silence from our SEATS representative to the Fix It Now campaign. Gary Smith of TeenSafe Moruya has been long frustrated by the distinct lack of attention applied to the South East and has established a campaign that will hopefully represent the whole length of the Princes Highway in need of attention being from Nowra to the Victorian border. He has called his campaign Fix the BLOODY Highway. Disappointingly he wrote to MP Mike Kelly and receive a reply saying that as he didn't live in Eden Monaro he might like to write to MP Ann Sudmalis in Gilmore. He wrote to Ms Sudmalis and has not received any reply. Writing to his local member for assistance and guidance he was informed by Andrew Constance's office that they would pass his letter to the Roads Minister as that was her responsibility. Have a listen to Gary and get on board the Fix the Bloody Highway campaign
Above: Gary Smith of TeenSafe Moruya gives an update of the Fix The BLOODY Highway campaign
Would you like a sign (900 x 500) for your front fence? Then drop Gary an email at