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The latest Tackle World Moruya fishing report - as at Apr 27th

Writer: The BeagleThe Beagle

Moruya River

Bream and flathead have been on the bite in the upper reaches of the river lately. Yaragie area has produced good fish using both bait and grubtail soft plastics.

The hospital flats have seen some whiting caught using fresh beach worms and live yabbies for bait. A few flathead and bream have also been caught in the same area.

Quarry wharf is still fishing very well for a mixed bag of species on baits like prawns and yabbies.

Tuross River

Plenty of mulloway have reportedly been caught this week near the channel markers down the front. Fresh baits like yellowtail and squid have worked best.

The oyster leases have been seeing some good bream sessions using Jackson pygmy cranks. Some nice size estuary perch have also been caught in the same area.

The flathead have slowed down a bit so you will have to work a little harder to get them. Soft plastics are a great way to cover a lot of ground and the Berkley nemesis powerbaits have been working a treat.

If you like your mud crabs, the Trunketabella area has produced some beauties as of late.

Rocks and Beaches

The beach fishing has been exceptional lately with reports of good numbers of fish all up and down the coast.

Moruya breakwall is fishing well for plenty of big salmon and tailor. Pedro beach is also fishing well for salmon, tailor, bream and whiting. Surf poppers particularly in red seem to be working great on the salmon, or try using Arma metal slices and Samaki stick baits. Beach worms and peeled prawns seem to be the bait of choice for whiting and bream.

Squid are being caught off the rocks at both South Broulee and South Heads.


If you can get your baits past the green toads that are hanging around as of late, you'll be in with a good chance of some nice fish off the reefs. Some very nice size nannygai and snapper have been caught this week.

In close around Pedro's has also produced some quality snapper on the gulp range of soft plastics. The following freshwater report is proudly brought to us by Josh, owner, Tackle World Goulburn.


Fantastic fishing is what we heard all week! If you’re after yellas, then now is the time most fish are being pulled from the trees - yabbies and grubs are the preferred flavour. The fishing has been good both up river but the Abercrombie seems to be the preferred arm to fish. The cod fishing has been a little sparse this week, with the odd few being caught, but no numbers. One good fish was lost at the side of the boat which was estimated to be over the magic metre on a yabbie near white rocks.


Quiet is the only word we can use for the dam this week. We had one report of a nice 51cm rainbow caught on worms, but that's it. Pejar has been a little tough the last few weeks mainly because of the water levels dropping but this should stabilize soon and the cooler temps will bring the trout to the surface. Keep trying - this place will fire and it will happen overnight!


Good numbers of redfin in most parts of the river while casting the banks with finesse stump jumpers will bring quick action. Most small body lures are great for reddies but the difference between catching one fish and ten is in the action - try using finesse stump jumpers or Warlock pros for a better chance of catching reasonable numbers.

Tight Lines my friends and remember “every day’s a good day for fishing … “

Team Tackle World Moruya A Reminder: Recreational anglers are reminded that the annual zero bag limit closure for Australian Bass and Estuary Perch from all rivers and estuaries across NSW will commence on 1 May.


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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