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The latest Tackle World Moruya fishing report - as at May 4th

Writer: The BeagleThe Beagle

Moruya River The new fishing platform has been performing well this week, with a few nice flatties being brought in. Bream and flathead are still on the bite in the upper reaches of the river as well. The hospital flats (and further up) have seen some whiting caught using fresh beach worms and live nippers for bait. A few flathead and bream have also been caught in the same area and as far up as Kiora bridge. Tuross River The oyster leases have been seeing some good bream and flathead sessions using Jackson pygmy cranks and Atomic Hardz. Some nice size estuary perch have also been caught in the same area. Good sized flatties have been laying around the shallows from the four ways upstream, with customers using 4” swimming mullet Gulp in pumpkinseed colour for best results. If you like your mud crabs, the Trunketabella and Bumbo creek area have been producing some beauties of late. Rocks and Beaches The beach fishing has been exceptional lately with reports of good numbers of fish all up and down the coast. Nathan has been out and about and secured good catches of drummer, groper and bream off the rocks around Binji. There is also a good gutter around Windsock beach at the moment, with some nice whiting being brought in using beach worms. Moruya breakwall is still fishing well for plenty of big salmon and tailor. Pedro beach is also fishing well for salmon, tailor, bream and whiting. Surf poppers particularly in red seem to be working great on the salmon, or try using Arma metal slices and Samaki stick baits. Beach worms and cubed pilchards seem to be the bait of choice for whiting and bream. Squid have slowed down, but are still being caught off the rocks at both South Broulee and South Heads. Offshore Prior to the wind picking up today (Friday) we have received good reports of snapper, mowies, nannygai, flathead and some sharks. The good news is the wind is supposed to blow through tonight, so all should be good tomorrow, however keep an eye out for weather reports! The following freshwater report is proudly brought to you by Josh, owner, Tackle World Goulburn. Wyangala Dam Tough conditions!! This was the main report we received this week. Although there were some good fish caught they were few and far between. The SE wind and low pressure took its toll, Josh spent two full days trolling for cod and covered over 20 kms of the dam and didn't turn a reel, he said it’s a sad day when you have to get out of the boat and walk the bank and cast at a carp to say you caught something and that's exactly what he done. This weekend looks great - little to no wind and a rising barometer will see the fish biting again. If you’re after yellas, fish the trees with worms or yabbies. If you’re after cod try using lighter spinnerbaits in 5/8 oz and troll in shallower water 3-4mts. Pejar Dam Very quiet. Pejar Dams water level has dropped a good deal and therefore the fishing has shut down. The easterly weather didn't help things last weekend but that could all change this weekend with another nice weekend predicted. Try using a Hester jointed minnow or Tassie from the bank, these should find a cruising fish. If baits more your thing, worms are by far your best choice. Wollondilly River Good numbers of redfin in the lower parts of the river below Tefco - most fish being caught on lures, with the favoured being a red celta. Spinning close to the trees is the secret - don't let it sink too far but the slower you can wind it back the more success you will have. Most parts of the river are fishing well but your best bet are the lower parts from Victoria St Bridge down. Tight Lines my friends and remember “every day’s a good day for fishing … “ Team Tackle World Moruya A Reminder: Recreational anglers are reminded that the annual zero bag limit closure for Australian Bass and Estuary Perch from all rivers and estuaries across NSW will commence on 1 May.


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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