The Eurobodalla Rural Fire Service has advised that it will be conducting hazard reduction burns over the coming week if conditions are suitable. More controlled burns are scheduled for the Eurobodalla regional. Nelligen in the Currowan State Forest NE of Western Distributor Rd near Pig Road Nelligen in the Currowan NE of Western Distributor Rd Two burns near Long Beach Road and Northcove Road. Malua Bay in the area Ridge Avenue West of Bodalla on the Bumbo Creek Fire Trail NW of Bumbo Creek Potato Point Road - to the west of the Swamp Fire Trail. Over the following days smoke from these burn are likely to settle across the Eurobodalla. These are important controlled burns which will reduce the risk to people and properties from bush fires.

Smoke from bush fires and hazard reduction burning can affect some people more than others. Bushfire smoke is a mixture of different-sized particles, water vapour and gases, including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides. The larger particles contribute to the visible haze when a fire is burning. They are generally too large to be breathed deeply into the lungs, but can irritate your nose and throat. Finer microscopic particles and gases are small enough to be breathed deep into the lungs and can cause health problems.
NSW Health reminds people that children, older adults and people with heart and lung conditions are most susceptible to the effects of air pollution and excessive smoke.
If you have asthma or a lung condition, reduce outdoor activities if smoke levels are high and if shortness of breath or coughing develops, take your reliever medicine or seek medical advice.
Asthma sufferers need to follow their Asthma Action Plan and take their relieving medication where necessary. If symptoms get worse, seek medical advice. Further advice is available from the Asthma Foundation website.