Entries for Narooma’s Regional Busking Festival and Competition on Saturday 26 May have been rolling in from across the region, from Canberra, Sydney and Wollongong, Victoria and across south eastern NSW.
‘Narooma will again buzz from the Plaza to the Flat, filled with about 200 happy performers and musicians playing all kinds of wonderful music throughout town,’ said Festival co-ordinator Sandra Doyle
The Festival is hosted by Narooma Rotary Club, partnered with the River of Art, and is part of the Australian National Busking Championships (ANBC).
Mrs Doyle said they have about 55 busker entries with a few more still on the way.
‘Interestingly we have more bands this year compared with last, but surprisingly few entries from secondary students from Narooma despite the wealth of local musical talent,’ she said.
‘Each act will play through the day at three or four of the 35 busker hot spots around town that are sponsored by the adjacent businesses, with music ranging from country, blues, jazz and rock, to Scottish bagpipes, dancers, poets and circus acts.
‘This year we have extra busker hot spots around the Kinema, on NATA Oval and near Quarterdeck.’
A programme detailing the location of each hot spot with a timetable for each act (9am-3pm) will be available online and on the day from an information stall opposite the Ice Creamery on the Flat, the Visitors’ Centre and from the roving Busker Vote sellers who will be wearing a Rotary vest.
Profiles of some of the registered buskers are on the website and on Facebook.
‘Every spectator can vote for their favourite busker for the People’s Choice prize of $1,000 by buying a special busker vote from our sellers; each vote costs $1,’ said Festival committee member Lynda Ord.
‘We count up the votes for each busker at the end of the day to determine the winner. The busker gets 10 cents from each $1 vote. If the purchaser writes their name on the back of each vote, they enter a lucky draw. Each busker keeps any coin they collect.’
Narooma’s four judges will be roaming around listening to all competitors throughout the day, with the overall winner’s prize also $1,000.
‘We’re absolutely thrilled at how this festival has been embraced by our community,’ Mrs Ord said.
The Festival culminates with a free concert at Narooma Golf Club by finalists at 5pm and the presentation of prizes.
Narooma Lions, Quota, CWA and VIEW Clubs will help Rotary on the day, as well as many other volunteers. However, Mrs Doyle said they would still like more volunteers to help on the day.
If you would like to help, please ring Sandra Doyle on 0408 298233 or email her at sandra@spinninggums.com.au
The ANBC is a national event with Narooma hosting one of the regional competitions. Winners at Narooma will be invited to compete in the National Grand Final in Cooma in November.
For more information, please check the website www.busking.naroomarotary.org.au or facebook.com/ANBC Narooma.

Above: A collage of some of the buskers who will be appearing at this year’s Narooma Busking Festival and Competition. Collage by Rachel McInnes