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Writer's pictureThe Beagle

A big year ahead in recreation projects for Narooma

With Council's recently endorsed Recreational Open Space Strategy now in place the key projects identified for Narooma that were considered HIGH priority can begin to roll out. What is in store for Narooma? The Recreational Open Space Strategy (ROSS) has identified the following in no particular order so each will be reliant on funding and grants: Develop a master plan for Bill Smyth Oval, Narooma, incorporating consideration of the following developments:

- an additional lit rugby league field

- enhance the functionality of the existing sporting amenities at Bill Smyth Oval with consideration of revision of the minimum inclusions for sporting amenities and address as part of the required upgrade, renewal or reconfiguration of existing sporting amenities keeping in mind that future minimum inclusions should incorporate:

- two change rooms (preferably with an ability to be converted to four smaller change rooms)

- officials change area

- public amenities

- first aid area

- canteen

- significant storage.

If clubs seek additional or alternate standards, such as social facilities, a partnership funding approach should be examined. There should also be consideration to develop a minimum standard of ancillary facility provision for sporting fields with such items for consideration to include player and official’s benches, dugouts, spectator seating and mounds and opportunities for shelter from the elements.


» increased tennis court lighting While undertaking the above also ensure community engagement occurs to inform the development of a master plan and business plan for the Narooma Swimming Centre, incorporating consideration of the following:

»the feasibility study to provide:

−enhanced aquatic, community health and fitness facilities

−food and beverage facilities to service pool patrons and surrounding parklands

- opportunities to maximise community participation, including additional signage

- heater pump and air treatment processes upgrades The ROSS stated "It is important to note that the limited length of opening season for the Moruya pool was also highlighted. Interestingly, more than 62% of respondents from the Moruya planning area were prepared to travel more than 15 minutes to attend a quality sporting facility (suggesting that travel to the Narooma swimming centre should be achievable when the Moruya pool is closed)."

In association with local youth, expand and upgrade the Narooma skate park and give consideration to incorporation of features such as:

- areas for younger and less experienced riders

- freerunning/parkour elements

- new challenges or stimulation for regular users

- water bubblers

- shade structures

- lighting and power

- picnic tables and seats.

Investigate and implement ways to promote and activate the Sport and Leisure Centre as a location for a wide range of sport and recreation activities and community events.

Investigate ways to promote and activate the Swimming Centre clubroom and HACC Room at the library as locations for low impact recreation activities for seniors and social interaction.

Consult and work with the Narooma community on options for Walker Park at the corner of McMillan Road and Taylor Street.

Options may include an 'edible garden', 'food forest' or status quo parkland uses.

Install four bench seats at NATA Oval in proximity to the shade trees on the northern side. Source of the above

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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