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100 Years Ago - May 25th 1918

Writer: The BeagleThe Beagle

Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 25 May 1918, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:

MR. E. P. LEPLAW, of Derraquin, Bodalla, has for private sale 6 draught horses and harnesses.

SALE of second-hand iron, bricks, horses, carts, wagons, drays, sulkies, allotment of land and sundries at Mogo on June the 1st at 1’oclock.

PROLIFIC YIELD. Miss Boot of Yarragee, has just gathered from off one tree no less than 150 dozen luscious persimmons. Now Vic of the many grained grain cob, can you beat this?

RECOVERING. – We are pleased to report that Mr. Abe Louttit, of Mullenderree, who has been laid up at his home for some weeks suffering from measles and a severe attach of pneumonia, is now convalescing satisfactorily.

MUNIFICENT GIFT. – Mrs. G. Ebsworth (nee Miss Ethel Mort), who has for years been a tower of strength to the Moruya Agricultural and Pastoral Society by way of numerous attractive entries, especially in the show ring, has donated to the Moruya Poultry Club a very valuable special prize in the shape of a cut glass and silver goblet, valued at about 12 guineas, for champion pair of Barred Rocks. The conditions are that the prize be won by the exhibitor at two consecutive shows or three times in all. On behalf of the club and poultry breeders we say “Thanks very much, Mrs Ebsworth!”

PAINFUL ACCIDENT. – On Sunday last Master Hilton Innes, (16 years) a son of Mr. J. Innes of Tomakin, and grandson of Mrs. R. Barling, of Gundary, had the misfortune to run a large splinter of wood into his hand. The patient was brought into the doctor, and on Tuesday was placed under chloroform at the Hospital, and the splinter, (a very large one) removed.

BROKEN LEG. – Whilst playing about last week in one of Mr. H. W. Luck’s paddocks, at Yarraggee, a representative of Mr. John Wilson’s spanking four-in-hand team, a handsome creamy Arabian-bred gelding, broke his left front leg near the knee. The animal was a great favourite with Mr. Wilson, and his loss will be keenly felt, as he was in great buckle for the heavy journeys he would have been called upon to perform during the winter.

CHURCH OF ENGLAND. – The Rev. P. W. Rettie, a returned Army Chaplain, will arrive in Moruya about the 30th inst., to take charge of Moruya Parish for a few weeks pending the arrival of the Rev. A. G. Saunders of Wee Waa, who cannot be here before the beginning of August.

“ORANGE BLOSSOMS.” – A quiet but pretty wedding took place in the residence of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Bettini, North Narooma on Wednesday April 24th at 4 p.m. The contracting parties being Miss Joyce Stroud, only daughter of Mrs. J. Stroud of Annandale, Sydney, and Mr. Walter Southam, third son of Mr. and Mrs. D Southam of Tilba. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. Stocks of Bega.

The spacious verandah facing the lawn was very tastefully decorated by girl friends of the Bride, where the ceremony was performed, and as the bride entered on the arm of her cousin, Mr. P. B. Bettini “who gave her away” the voice that breathed o’er Eden was sung.

The bride looked exceedingly charming in a costume of cream gabardine, with a large picture hat to match, she also carried a bouquet of choice white flowers with autumn leaves, and wore a handsome diamond ring, gift of the bridegroom. Miss Mathews (cousin of the bride) acted as the bridesmaid, the little lady looked pretty in a dainty frock of embroidered muslin over silk, she carried a bouquet of pink carnations and maidenhair fern, also wore a gold brooch set with Rubies, gift of the bridegroom. Mr. Jack Bettini acted as best-man. About sixty guests assembled at the wedding breakfast, after which speeches were made and toasts were drank to the future joy and prosperity of the young couple.

Nineteen 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1917 are available ($5 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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