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Council advise current Bodalla Sewerage Project status

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

In learning that there were delays in the Bodalla Sewerage Project The Beagle has sought a response from Council to establish the current status of the project and its approximate completion date. A Council spokesperson advised that "The Bodalla sewerage scheme is being constructed under two separate contracts. Through a competitive tendering process, the same contractor won both of these contracts.

"The first contract covers installation of the pressure sewerage system within the village, that is, the individual household pump units and the sewer mains to collect and transport sewage to the sewage treatment plant. "All household pump units and sewer rising mains have been constructed, tested and commissioned. Connection to the pump units will commence once the treatment plant is ready to receive flows" the spokesperson added.

"The second contract is for the construction of the sewage treatment plant.

"Construction of the sewage treatment plant is almost complete, however, Council has identified a number of issues with the contractor’s work that are critical to the treatment plant performance. These need to be rectified before Council can allow the treatment plant to accept flows of sewage and so Council can be certain the treatment plant is capable of treating the sewage to the level required for safe discharge to the environment.

In response to questions from The Beagle regarding the project's scheduled completion the Council spokesperson said "It is regrettable that these issues have resulted in the project falling behind schedule but it is essential Council ensures the contractor delivers a high quality outcome for our community. Council has of course, issued appropriate instructions to the contractor to complete works in accord with the contract" In the response received today the spokesperson added "However, as insufficient progress has been made by the contractor to rectify these issues, and in an effort to minimise further delays to the community, Council has instigated action to undertake specific works to enable the new sewage treatment plant to move toward operational status (as permitted under the contract with an appropriate deduction in payment to the contractor). "Council has also referred specific matters to Expert Determination, which is the process outlined within the contract to finalise resolution on outstanding matters.

"A letter providing an update on the project is going to Bodalla residents and businesses this week. We will provide further advice to the community as works proceed and matters outstanding are resolved by the contractor."


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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