That's right, Heathen Fest is back!! The Waterfront Hotel, 1-5 Princes Highway, Moruya Cost: $30 Bigger and badder. 7 bands and a beard comp!! Whoretopsy Inhuman Remnants Gutter Tactic Chambers of Insanity HEADLESS Chambers of Insanity Terravorous.
Cuck Lord. + Beard Comp Dont forget to preen your beard to win one of three categories in the beard comp. The categories are ;Best viking beard Longest, fullest beard Best bushranger beard Saturday June 2nd @ Moruya Waterfront Hotel Motel. Tickets >> http://www.moshtix.com.au/v2/event/heathen-fest-ll/101404 and at Planet TX Moruya. **This is an 18+ event, ID is required. Anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated, fines can incur. Anyone found with and or selling illegal substance will receive a life ban from all South Coast Metalheads events.**