The local Army Cadet Unit 222 celebrated their 25th Anniversary with a formal dinner at the Batemans Bay Soldiers club on Saturday the 26th May. Special guests attending were NSW Brigade Commander Col B. Casey, NSW BDE RSM WO1 P. Sheehy, 2IC Capt D. McKenzie 24 BN, LT (AAC) P. Bernard and his wife, CUO Gabrielle Clark 24 BN, CDTWO1 Jarrad Holmes 24 BN, CDTRSM Michelle Bower 24BN. Batemans Bay Soldiers Club president Mr. B. Wheeler and his wife, Carrol College Principal Mr N.Mansfield. Unit 222 staff are LCPL (AAC) Peter Diven, DAH Judy Brown, DAH Rhonda D’Amico and DAH Gary Traynor. Special mention is extended to CUO Jess Glover who was instrumental in organising such a wonderful night for guests, cadets and families.

Above: The Cadet Unit 222 at their 25th Anniversary diner
The 222 cadet unit helps kids learn great life skills such as first aid discipline and leadership. For contact information visit their Facebook page at