The Moruya South Head community learnt that there would be no change and very little pathway built from the $750,000 gifted by Andrew Constance, Memeber for Bega, under the Active Transport Program. At the May 22nd Council meeting there was disappointment shown by members of the Moruya South Head Cycle/Pathway Committee as they heard the discussions prior to Council accepting the offer of funding of $750,000 from the NSW Government toward a shared pathway along South Head Road. During discussion it was revealed that very little of the remaining 2.3km of pathway would be constructed with the money and that the three quarters of a million dollars would be only sufficient enough to complete a short section section east of The Anchorage to Halyard Drive with the rest of the money being used to undertake the detailed design, environmental approvals and land acquisition for the section between Keightley Street and Halyard Drive and for preparing estimates for the whole of the project. Once completed these environmental reports, designs, land acquisitions, permissions and estimates would be in place, should further funding be found to allow commencement of work from Keightley Street toward South Head. All this came at a surprise and also a disappointment to Councillor Anthony Mayne who sought explanation from Director of Infrastructure, Warren Sharpe (follow to the discussion in the video below). Councillor Mayne stated he was well aware that there were alternate ideas outside of Council suggesting a possible alternate route that would be considerably more affordable. He voiced his concerns that there would be little in the way of any new pathway constructed and requested a Kumbya round table with all interested parties to discuss other options. That was agreed to however, as yet, that meeting has not been called. The Director of Infrastructure clearly advised Councilor Mayne during the council meeting that the funding ($750,000) has "the caveat on it that it has to be used for an off road shared pathway." (see video time stamp 5:55) Councillor Mayne has now sought to see the exact wording of that caveat and establish what other conditions have been placed on the money by Minister Constance as this will have a direct impact on any alternate options being bought to the table proposing an alternate route or design to that now being considered by Council staff.
Above: a VIDEO extract from the Ordinary Meeting of Eurobodalla Council Date: 22 May 2018 - Councillor Anthony Mayne speaking to the Agenda Item:IR18/024 Funding Offer - Active Transport Program - Shared Path, South Head Road, Moruya ** See Note below
Andrew Constance, Member for Bega today voiced the response of ​"Outrageous" when advised by the Bay Post that Eurobodalla Shire Council has stated that his $750,000 will not be enough to complete the Moruya to South Head pathway. Danielle Brice, a long time supporter of the Moruya South Head Cycle/Pathway project, which was first formed back in 2000 by community members, was also dismayed when she heard that the $750,000 would see little in the way of the missing 2.3km of pathway being constructed and was also disappointed to hear that the missing link might take 5 to 10 years to complete understanding that Council had determined that the Moruya to South Head off–road pathway linkage will be reconsidered when the pathways strategy is next reviewed in five years, unless the project is fully funded through grants (outside of the Active Transport Program) and/or community funding.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEXT STAGE OF THE MORUYA SOUTH HEAD CYCLE/PATHWAY PROJECT The next stage of the Moruya South Head Cycle/Pathway has commenced between The Anchorage and Halyard Drive. Volunteers with white cards are needed to assist council in concreting the shared pathway. The Moruya South Head Cycle/Pathway volunteers are also looking for interested community members to join our committee. An order is been placed this month for single and double fundraising paver. If you would like to purchase pavers get your order in now. Single pavers are $50.00 each and double pavers are $100.00. If you are able to assist on the pathway, committee or wish to purchase pavers please contact Danielle Brice 0437706641. The Moruya South Head Cycle/Pathway Committee John Seltenrych, Bruce Roberts, Jim Purss and Danielle Brice
** This video extract remains the property of Eurobodalla Shire Council and is published here for the purpose of reporting a Council matters relevent to the community and communicating that information under fair dealing. Transcripts of Council documents or material taken from their website for the purpose of reporting news: "exceptions to the general rule [of copyright] include situations where the creator is an employee, is commissioned to create the work, is a freelancer, or the work was created under the direction and control or first published by the Government. (Editors Note:The Government in this instance is considered, by The Beagle, to be inclusive of Local Government). "There are also a number of fair dealing exceptions to copyright infringement, including fair dealing for the purpose of criticism and review, parody and satire, research and study, and reporting the news." "In Australia, the Copyright Act provides "fair dealing" exceptions for the limited purpose of research or study, criticism or review, parody or satire, and reporting news." It is the opinion of the Editor of The Beagle that this extract from Council's meeting in regards to the Moruya South Head cycleway and specifically in regards to the advice provided that a conditional caveat was in place on the State Government gift of $750,000 is of community importance.