Moruya and Tuross River
A few good size perch have been caught this week around the Moruya bridge. Surface poppers and jerk bait style hard bodied lures working well.
Further down stream, good numbers of bream and luderick are hanging around the entrance of the hole in the wall. Beach worms and mullet fillets are working well for bait.
All the oyster racks throughout the Tuross system are still fishing well for bream and perch, mainly on soft plastics such as Zman Motoroil grubs.
A lot of very average size flathead are being caught around the four-ways in Tuross using the 70mm squidgie fish soft plastic loaded with S-factor scent.
Rocks and Beaches
Drummer and Groper are coming in off the rocks up and down the coast on Cunji, peeled prawns and crabs.
The beaches are fishing well for Salmon and large Bream. Windsock, Tuross and Bingi beach have all been producing some nice fish on both Arma metals and pillies.
Squid are being caught off the rocks at South Heads, Bingi and Congo area. IKA squid jigs are working great.
For those of your who would like to take a relaxing break, quite a few whales were seen frolicking off Congo today. Take a break with a coffee/tea or wine and enjoy watching these amazing creatures at their best.
Tight Lines my Friends and remember “every days a good day for fishing … “
Team Tackle World Moruya