The SAGE Food Share takes place on the 4th Sunday of every month.
Residents of Moruya and the surrounding areas are invited to the SAGE Garden from 10.00am (for a 10.30am share) – 11.30am to participate in the food share.
Food shares are a fantastic opportunity to share excess fresh or dried produce, preserves, and seeds and to take home excess product from someone else. If you don’t have excess product on the day of the food share, bring your knowledge or questions, and interact with members of your community.
The SAGE Food Share includes morning tea, with tea and coffee provided. If you have a dish or drink to share, please bring it along with the recipe so others can learn to make and enjoy it too.
The Food Share is not about placing monetary value on produce. You can bring and take as much or as little as you would like. When you connect with community and respect goodwill, food is free.
For more information, contact Sasha on 0431 049 044. Follow the SAGE Project on Facebook