SOME definite and some possible outings for Moruya Probus Club were discussed by the committee at a meeting at Moruya Golf Club on Tuesday. Members were told that so far 12 Moruya members had signed up to accompany Tollgate Probus on a six-day five-night trip to Mudgee. Vice-president, and acting Tours Officer, Netta Berringer told members she had been told by someone who had been on such a tour that, taking into account entry fees to attractions and other expenses, the tour was good value for $850 for a twin-share or $200 more for a single. Doing it alone, she was told, would cost about $2000. Other outings closer to home being proposed included visits to Bawley Point and Horse Island. Members agreed that it seemed members’ preferences were for inexpensive outings in the area. Another sort of outing had been mentioned by Treasurer Bruce Emery. He said the Classic and Vintage Motor Club of Eurobodalla had agreed to have members as passengers on one of its Wednesday drives. The possibility of taking up the invitation in November will be put to members at the monthly meeting on June 26. Another proposal to go to the monthly meeting would be to make the buildings of Eurobodalla Shire the subject of the annual photo completion in September. Membership Secretary Carolyn Winter said two new members were to be welcomed to the club. That would take membership up to 62, with President Max Hogno saying there was room in the club for many more. Standing in for husband David as organiser of guest speakers Ingrid Petts said this month’s would be Rohan Gleeson who would talk about the NBN. Moruya Probus meets at Moruya Golf Club at ten-o’clock on the fourth Tuesday of each month with potential new members always more than welcome. There are many advantages with being a member of Probus. Apart from meeting new friends, and sometimes some old ones, there are opportunities of being involved in outings. There are discounts for some members with restaurants and hotels and more reasonable travel insurance rates that seniors may otherwise be offered.