Not only is Stephen Husband of Tuross Head Yumaro’s first Employee to obtain a Year 11 Certificate and then enrol into Year 12, but he will be their first University Student and they are SO VERY PROUD Stephen is now studying Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation which is equivalent to the Higher School Certificate (Year 12) and wants to attend The Australian National University to study Science and Astronomy/Astrophysics as he “was extremely impressed with the place” when Brian Beveridge drove him there at the begging of June this year. Stephen Husband of Tuross Head has been engaged in Yumaro’s School Leaver Employment Support (SLES) Program since December 2016 under Brian Beveridge. His teacher, Gretta Beveridge, has supported Stephen to complete his Certificate III in ‘Pathways to Further Study’ which is equivalent to a Year 11 Certificate, studying via correspondence through TAFE Western NSW where he has successfully completed all the relevant units.