Eurobodalla Council is seeking feedback on a new Moruya Showground masterplan developed in collaboration with the community.
The Moruya Showground Landscape Masterplan was developed with input from the Moruya Showground Management Committee, the Eurobodalla District Show Society, user groups, schools and Council staff. It provides an achievable action plan for the showground that balances present and future needs while respecting its agricultural and pastoral heritage.

Recommendations in the plan include renovation of all heritage structures, new temporary shade structures overlooking the rodeo arena, new 24-stall stables, a secure animal drug-testing facility, a fenced animal enclosure for dog agility training, removal of the old toilet blocks, new bar and amenities buildings, new operational storage, a sheltered seating and storage structure overlooking Ack Weyman Oval and general improvements to the showground’s visual appeal, accessibility and user-friendliness.
A staged implementation approach is proposed as funding becomes available.
In endorsing the plan for public exhibition at a meeting of Council on Tuesday, Eurobodalla Mayor Liz Innes congratulated all involved. She said she was delighted the plan aimed to showcase the showground’s magnificent historic and agricultural value.
“This plan ensures what is truly unique and special about the showground is well and truly acknowledged and preserved,” she said.
“It elevates the showground to a real focal point, not only in Moruya but throughout Eurobodalla.”
Council’s Director of Community, Arts and Recreation Kathy Arthur praised the “generosity of spirit” from the many people and user groups involved.
“Everybody has worked together for a really positive outcome and looked beyond their own needs,” she said.
“We all want to progress in this way and we can see this sort of outcome by working together.”
The Moruya Showground Landscape Masterplan is on public exhibition on Council’s website until Wednesday 25 July.
Hard copies are available at Batemans Bay, Moruya and Narooma Libraries and at the Customer Service Centre in Moruya.