Held at Kyla Hall, Tuross Head
32 Members attended as per Attendance Book
Marty Webster – RFS FIRECOM HQ Moruya – Guest Speaker
Darryl Smith – Senior Deputy RFS Tuross
Terry Lyons – Deputy RFS Tuross
Patrick McNeile – President RFS Tuross
Peter Jones – Secretary RFS Tuross
Danielle Brice – RFS Tuross Head
Max Castle – RFNSW/THFC – Guest Speaker
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Moved by the Secretary, seconded by Pat Wagstaff that the draft Minutes of the 7 Jun 18 meeting be confirmed. CARRIED
Business Arising FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES - Nil
Treasurers Report
The Treasurer, Joan Buchan, provided the following financial statement of the THPA Accounts as at 5 Jul 18.
THPA General Account Balance: @ = $5,468.91
Receipts: Raffle donation $53.50, Subscriptions $235.00 = $288.50 Progressive Working Account Balance = $5,725.91
Expenses: Petty Cash FY17/18 Receipt & Account Book =$31.50
THPA General Account Working Balance @ 5 Jul 18 = $5,725.91
THPA Cycle/Walk Accounts:
Cycleway Working Account balance as at 5 Jul = $2,957.52
Receipts: Interest May ($17.53) & June ($36.05) =$53.58
Plus Term Deposit Commonwealth Bank = $20,000.00
= $23,011.10
Plus THPA General Account Working Fund = $5,725.91
Total THPA Funds as at 5 Jul 18
(i.e. Account Balances of $23,011.10 plus $5,725.91) = $28,737.01
Treasurer asked that the Financial Report as presented be accepted.
Moved: Fay Beers, Seconded: Leonie Beers. CARRIED
There are currently 158 financial members, up 130 members from the 28 x THPA members in October 2016. Memberships are now due for FY18/19.
A summary of all correspondence dealt with since the 7 Jun 18 meeting until 5 Jul 18 was circulated to all Members ahead of the 5 Jul 18 meeting on 3 Jul 18. The Secretary (John Tilbrook) provided the meeting with a brief overview of 11 items of inwards & 16 items of outwards correspondence.
It was moved by: John Tilbrook and Seconded by: Graeme Slattery that the Report on correspondence by accepted. CARRIED.
Annual THPA General Meeting & election of Office Bearers
The President (Gary Cooper) advised that there were only two further meetings (on 5 Jul 18 & 2 Aug 18) before the THPA Annual General Meeting to be conducted on 6 Sep 18 to elect the new executive Committee.
Gary Cooper apprised the meeting that he would not be standing for re-election in any position, and that the current secretary John Tilbrook may not be able to stand for re-election due to ill-health but will continue holding the office bearer position of both the Secretary & the Treasurer of the Council appointed Kyla Hall Management Committee (KHMC).
Accordingly, the present membership of the THPA should now actively canvass each other in seeking volunteers prepared to be nominated for the positions of President, Senior Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Minutes Secretary, Membership Secretary and the THPA Website & Email Administrative Officer, a total of 7 positions to be filled from total membership number of 158 potential candidates?
John Tilbrook may consider standing for re-election as Secretary THPA, but only if an active Minutes Secretary is appointed to compile the minutes of all THPA meetings to reduce the current burden on the incumbent holding position as Secretary.
1. RMS Wollongong - Update on Highway “T” Intersection safety upgrade.
John Tilbrook advised that on 25 Jun 18 RMS HQ Wollongong (Joanne Parrott – Road Safety Network Manager) notified the THPA that Federal Government funding orchestrated by the Federal Member for Gilmore (Ann Sudmalis, MP) had now been received by RMS for the $1.4 million safety upgrade of the “T” intersection. The geo-technical survey work was completed in May, and the design work will be completed in July 2018. RMS will notify the THPA when the work is scheduled to commence, advising that the construction phase will span a 3-month period, and it was aimed to have the project completed before the summer holiday season?
Work on Tomakin roundabout under the same black spot funding program commenced on 25 Jun 18.
2. Upgrading of “Cycle/walk” missing link (dirt section Anderson Ave to Buchan Bridge).
The Council has now provided a formal response concerning pathways in Tuross Head. In its Council letter dated 17 May 18 titled “Linking the Tuross Head shared pathway” it set out its adopted pathway strategy which is summarised as follows.
“Missing link in shared pathway”
Council has NO plans to construct a shared pathway along the existing route of the track now in use (sic referred to by THPA as the “Missing Link’). Moreover, when built by the developer, the pathway facility will need to be moved to the future route to service the proposed subdivision, that will lift the pathway to a higher level (sic above the flood plain) which will improve the level of natural surveillance of the landscape AND THE Coila Lake foreshore and wetlands.
In the meantime, the Council will continue to maintain the existing gravel pathway until the new shared pathway is constructed by the developer (sic but when given the work on the “missing link” has be halted by Council since July 2004).
Council makes the point that should the THPA wish to fully fund this shared pathway on behalf of the developer, on the route designated by Council, then Council is happy to meet to discuss a way forward.
The latter option as suggested by the Council was debated by the meeting, but the membership present were not in favour of investing its THPA cycle/walk monies to the advantage of the REAL Estate developer? In the interim the pathway users will need to continue to tolerate the present earth & gravel foot pad which the Council has committed to maintain until the developer eventually completes its obligation to deliver the missing section of the cycle/walk as part of the approved sub-division.
3. Danger to Pedestrians walking along roadside verge between 178 Hector McWilliam Drive adjacent to golf course to Allenby Road “T” intersection
At the 3 May 18 THPA meeting a pedestrian and public safety issue was raised by Dr Carlene Winch with the guest speaker (Warren Sharpe), in that there was a desire from some present to accelerate the provision of a 1.5 metre wide footpath along Hector McWilliam Drive (sic on the northern side of Hector McWilliam Drive from Anderson Avenue, or abridged section from 178 Hector McWilliam Drive, to the Allenby Road intersection). This section of pathway is identified in the Council’s adopted Eurobodalla Pathways Strategy 2017 to be provided on a priority basis, but it has NOT been included in the draft 2018-19 Operational Plan.
Warren Sharpe has highlighted that the adopted Eurobodalla Pathways Strategy includes provision for community groups such as the THPA to contribute to the overall cost pathways. In these cases, the Council will take such shared funding agreements into account when determining its priorities in planning pathways construction. More recently two other community associations have offered funding arrangements resulting in their proposed pathways now being fully funded.
In response to the longstanding THPA stance that the $25k held in the Cycle/walk account should be quarantined for the completion of the remaining sections of this shared pathway to circle Tuross, the Council has pointed out to the THPA that a standard 1.5 m wide footpath can be legally utilised by a child under the age of 12 years riding a bicycle (with an accompanying adult). This means standard pathways cater for pedestrians, dogwalkers, cyclists, mobility scooters et al.
Although the THPA membership is bent on expending its accumulated funds on completing the Cycle/walk circling Tuross Head; Warren Sharpe opined at the 3 May 18 THPA meeting that there may also be a case for the THPA to consider entering into a cost sharing arrangement with the Council to complete one of the sections of priority pathways as has been identified for Tuross Head in the Eurobodalla Pathways Strategy. That is, the section discussed above between Anderson Avenue (or from 178 Hector McWilliam Drive) shadowing the edge of the golf course up to the Allenby Road “T” intersection.
John Tilbrook elaborated on the background outlined above, and made the point that if the THPA is not in the position to be able to fund the “missing link ” of the cycle/walk for the foreseeable future, then underwriting the funding of the section of shared pedestrian pathway along H.Mc.W. Drive to the Allenby Road intersection was an option He then stated that this option should be subject of an expenditure motion put to the THPA membership.
It was moved by John Tilbrook …
”that the THPA should enter into negotiations with Council with a view to contributing $20k from the cycle/walk account for the shared cost of construction of the 1.5 metre pathway from 178 Hector McWilliam Drive up to Allenby Road to improve road safety for pedestrians and cyclists travelling along that dangerous section roadway which would remove the existing chokepoint where the roadside verge is extremely narrow”.
This motion was debated and was received favourably. That said, Max Castle then put forward his suggestion to the meeting, which was that before we commit any of our THPA cycle/walk funds to Council to deliver this section of pathway, we should first exhaust all other grants funding opportunities. More critically he tabled information that he has received from his personal contact in the NSW Premier’ & Cabinet Office, Ms Megan Cleary, and indeed he provided a copy of the following email where this senior bureaucrat is specifically inquiring as to whether the THPA has decided to follow up offers made, and formally seek grants funding through the Community Building Partnerships program. Megan Clearly has recently visited Tuross Head (together with a representative of the Department of Regional Development & Infrastructure) and was taken on a guided tour by Max Castle to inspect possible infrastructure project sites that included the Boat Ramp, boat & trailer parking and Kyla Hall (rainwater tank & replacement of LPG heaters).
Hi Max
I was also wondering if the Tuross Heads Progress Association decided to submit an application to the Community Building Partnerships fund this year for the water tanks as we discussed.
Thanks Megan
ACTION by: Secretary THPA (John Tilbrook)
Against the aforementioned debate it was resolved that the intended Motion put by John Tilbrook be set aside in favour for pursuing a grants application made to the NSW Government. Max Castle and the membership in attendance agreed that the Secretary THPA should draft a submission to the NSW Premier & Cabinet Office for necessary funding required to construct the 1.5 metre pathway that would be shared by the Tuross community and tourists to the village. John Tilbrook is to approach Council (Warren Sharpe) to obtain a costing estimate and elicit its support for this grants funding bid?
4. Replacing ancient un-flued LPG Heaters in Kyla Hall.
The Secretary THPA has submitted two grants funding submissions to both the State and Federal Members of Parliament. The applications have sought grants funding for $19,440 so as to permit the installation of a three unit inverted air-conditioning system able to heat/cool Kyla Hall (and thus enable the disposal of the dangerous and ancient un-flued LPG fired Vulcan Heaters which are toxic and pose a serious public health hazard to hall users when operating; and for the provision and installation of a 6.6 Kw Solar Power System (24 panels & inverter) to be mounted on the Kyla Park Hall roof to generate sufficient electricity to cover power & lighting usage at Kyla Hall.
The Council (Mark Upson) directed that this issue be listed for discussion on the Agenda for the KHMC meeting which was subsequently held on 27 Jun 18. Council has advised that it prefers a much more expensive option, costed at $70k, which is an LPG fired hydroponic heating system. Council has announced that funding has now been allocated in the FY18/19 Operational Program for its Sustainability Contractor (SC) to conduct an energy audit of Kyla Park Hall and make its recommendations to Council for the most economical heating options for the Kyla Hall to replace the un-flued LPG Heaters. Council has given its assurance in writing to the THPA and the KHMC that the SC will be required to consult with all Kyla Hall user groups to establish what heating/cooling requirements or solutions they suggest be taken into account when making its report on its findings to Council. ACTION by: John Tilbrook & KHMC
5. KYLA HALL Maintenance Issues
Secretary THPA provided the meeting with an update on THPA volunteer’s efforts (John Tilbrook, David Campbell and Steve Smith) who have executed repairs to Kyla Hall, in patching the large cracks in the end brick wall, re-clinching the protruding nails on the timber deck and patching the holes in the plasterboard walls in the toilet corridors. A further painting “working bee” will be organised to complete the task of painting repaired walls in the Hall, most likely in August.
ACTION by: John Tilbrook
The President THCC has kindly offered to fund a new professionally produced THPA noticeboard to be erected at the “T intersection roadside reserve to replace the shonky John Tilbrook yellow noticeboard displaying meeting dates. The local professional sign writer (Roger Chapple) is currently manufacturing the new THPA signboard to a design drawn by John Tilbrook.
In response to a question from the floor, John Tilbrook replied that he did not know the identity of the person/s responsible for the plethora of stuffed toys that have recently appeared in abundance and secured to the community noticeboard at the “T” intersection to rival “Pooh Bear’s Corner” on Clyde Mountain. It is definitely not the THPA behind this activity.
7. No Parking Signs erected by Council opposite top of Anderson Ave
Using the “BEAGLE WEEKLY” forum, Lei Parker notified his readership of his concerns that Council has recently erected NO PARKING signs in the vehicle layby on Hector McWilliam Drive opposite to southern end of Anderson Avenue which is used by some persons to park and display cars and boats for sale. Lei Parker has been pursuing this issue with Council seeking the legal basis for their erection, given that the matter of this signage has not been before a Roads & Traffic Committee meeting, and the layby road reserve is RMS controlled space, and not soley under the jurisdiction of Council.
John Tilbrook advised that on 25 Jun 18 Warren Sharpe had responded to this AGENDA item as soon as it was promulgated. The decision to erect the NO PARKING signs at this was at his behest as he and other road users had witnessed close calls at this intersection. The danger being that drivers are taking unnecessary risks in passing stationery vehicles waiting to turn right from H.Mc.W. Driver into Anderson Avenue at an unsafe speed between turning vehicles and vehicles/boats/trailers labelled with for sale notices that are frequently parked in this passenger offloading/pick-up layby for extended periods. The erection of these NO PARKING signs is listed to be considered for approval at the next local Roads & Traffic Committee meeting, whereby such parking restrictions will be enforced by Council rangers and appropriate penalties will apply.
Gary Cooper & Max Castle raised the issues that are confronting the Council in its bid to undertake earthworks to increase the number of car/boat trailer parking spaces in the vicinity of Nelson Parade boat ramp.
One option is for Council to obtain permission from the two NSW government agencies (Marine Parks & NSW Fisheries) to be able to use the mined sand from its dredging operations to maintain navigational channels leading from the Nelson Parade boat ramp, and spread these recovered sands on the foreshore area of Lavender Bay to create overflow parking spaces to accommodate recreational fishers in peak holiday seasons and during fishing competitions.
Warren Sharpe has been liaising with the President of THPA (Gary Cooper) and Max Castle representing the THFC in eliciting our support for this possible solution. Mr Sharpe stated that Council had budgeted to undertake maintenance dredging at the Tuross ramp during 2018-19, therefore Council would welcome letters of support from the Tuross Head Progress Association and the THFC to move the dredged sand material to the adjacent the low road (eastern end) of Lavender Bay. With only a minor widening in this area, through re-use of the dredged sand, in time Council could provide additional overflow parking space for the busy summer and Easter holiday periods.
Warren Sharpe pointed out that this would represent a minor reclamation of the foreshore and would of course require support from both Marine Parks and NSW Fisheries. If the Tuross community is able to support this application by Council for the required government approval to undertake this work, that would be welcome. The Council would add this support from the THPA and the THCC to a concept design for consideration by the relevant NSW Government agencies Maritime & Fisheries).
In his correspondence to the THPA dated 4 Jul 18, Warren Sharpe stated that it is also worth noting the Council’s strong commitment to the marine and boating infrastructure within Eurobodalla as per the inclusions within the recently adopted Delivery Program 2017-21 and Operational Plan 2018-19, namely
Page 53
Delivery Program
7.4.3 Work in partnership to develop marine infrastructure
Operational Plan Advocate for NSW Government boating and marine infrastructure and on-going dredging of navigational channels Seek additional funding for local boating and marine infrastructure Maintain, renew and upgrade boating and marine infrastructure
This issue was debated by the meeting, and led by Max Castle, it was agreed that both the THPA and the THCC would each write a letter of support for the Council’s bid to seek approval for land reclamation in Lavender Bay by spreading mined sand from dredging operation, provided that Council continues to consult closely with both supporting parties on any developments or departmental rejections. The THPA letter to Council will be jointly drafted by Gary Cooper & Max Castle so that there are no anomalies in this commitment of community/Council solidarity.
Max Castle took the opportunity of making the point that the THCC was not looking towards a gold-plated project to deliver the additional overflow parking. That is to say there is no need for a formal carparking area, with kerbs and guttering, surfaced with bitumen and white lined parking bays. He has assessed that the existing roughly maintained grassed reserve area would suffice. That is the presently overgrown grassed and lightly vegetated area adjoining the eastern side of the present Nelson Parade boat ramp car park area. This would involve the clearing of the kikuyu, the selected removal of some shrubbery and dead trees – but leaving any heathy native species trees in situ?
Separate URGENT ACTION by:
Gary Cooper for THPA; and
Max Castle for THCC
The door prize raffle was drawn by Dee Meek.
The winner was Ian Fraser.
The raffle raised $36.00 in proceeds towards the ongoing cost of Kyla Hall hire fees for THPA meetings.
Closure of Meeting
The 5 Jul 18 THPA Meeting was Closed at 2.45 pm.
Next THPA Meeting
The next THPA meeting will be convened on 2 Aug 18.
John Tilbrook
Secretary THPA
8 July 2018