Exhibition Launch "Milk: The River of Life" Hosted by Moruya and District Historical Society At the Moruya Museum 2pm to 4pm 85 Campbell St, Moruya, New South Wales 2537 The dairying industry played a critical role in the development of our district. The exhibition "Milk: The River of Life" hosted by the Moruya and District Historical Society explores the history of the industry from the time of settlers such as Francis Flanagan and John Hawdon up until the present. Objects such as separators, churns, a cheese press and cheese moulds are on display as are ledgers, silverware, show ribbons and share certificates. Stunning, original photos by Andrew Metcalfe are also on display courtesy of the Eurobodalla Shire Council.These photos are on sale at the museum. A devonshire tea and cheese tasting will follow the launch.