‘Talking History’ Morning Tea – Tuesday 31st July at 10.30am at Narooma Library
It’s FREE – the regular ‘Talking History’ Morning Tea. And, to coincide with the launch of the August 2018 issue of ‘Recollections’, on this occasion it’s at Narooma Library on Tuesday 31st July starting at 10.30am.
This tie around the organisers have a couple of extremely interesting locals who’ll be ‘talking history’ – Harry Bate from Tilba who has recently been involved with the remarkable restoration of the historic Corunna Cemetery, just south of Narooma (you’ll discover there is an article on this in the August issue of ‘Recollections’), and Dr Philip Creagh from Narooma who is just completing a mammoth book on a cohort of soldiers from around NSW who were killed in World War I.
If you plan to attend, please let the Narooma Library know on 4476 1164 so that they will have a seat and some morning tea waiting for you.
And, of course, you’ll be able to collect the extra large, extra informative August 2018 issue of ‘Recollections’, which will be ‘hot off the press’, at this morning tea.
Hope to see you on 31st July.