Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 27 July 1918, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:
SPRINGERS. – R. H. Harvison has for private sale a few choice Jersey heifers on the point of calving.
RECRUITING. – During the past six months Eden-Monaro’s contribution of enlistments numbered 391, out of which 193 were accepted.
DEATH. – The Braidwood “Review” reports the death of Mrs. Dillon, of North Araluen, who passed away early on Monday morning aged 70 years.
DONATION. – Mrs. W. Jermyn, the Supervisor of the Red Cross Spinning Circle, has generously donated 30/- more to the fund, making a total of £2, half the cost of a Strickland Wheel.
GLORIOUS NEWS. – The news recently flashed to this office and read on our office board with exclamations of delight by the public of the German big push failure and success of our Allies, was the most glorious news received in Moruya for a long time past. We had better not become too optimistic, but we do feel that our time has come at last.
FOOTBALL. – According to a local paper a Braidwood team of footballers intends visiting Moruya on this (Saturday) week and play a Moruya team in the afternoon. As far as we know there is no football club in town; at the same time, in honor to the visitors and credit of the district, a scratch team should be organised for the occasion.
LOCAL BRAVES. – Gunner Frank Salway, of Cobargo, writing home from France says, amongs other interesting items “I have plenty of mates here, Herb Tyrrel, Roly Lavis, Claud Phillips, Harry Duncan and Mick Farrell.” Amongst the number of mates mentioned will be noticed the names of two of our Eurobodalla Braves, Roly Lavis and Harry Duncan.
THE WEATHER. – After an unusually dry winter, westerly winds and heavy frosts, a welcome change took place on Sunday night when gentle rain began falling, which continued with intermittent breaks up to Wednesday night. Needless to say every farmer and householder throughout the district is light-hearted, and we trust, thankful for the timely visitation.
RECRUITS. – During the past week Masters E. Hartmann, Leslie Walker, and Godfred Hanscom left for Sydney for final examination before going into camp. In the last list of accepted is the name of W. Burke, labourer, Moruya.
CONVENT BALL. – One of the most successful and enjoyable social gatherings of the year held in Moruya is the annual Convent Ball. This important function is advertised in this issue to take place in the Centennial Hall on 2nd August, which falls on Friday next. In addition to the usual attractions of the occasion will be a guinea waltzing competition for dancers who have never won a prize.
MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE. – Owing to the Committee of the Coonamble School of Arts being fined £2000, through an accident to a girl who fell over a stairs, no one could be found to accept the positions of committee of the Yass Mechanics’ Institute last week. It is hoped that the residents of Moruya will not show such funk when they are called upon to form a committee for their local institution.
BODALLA. – Our correspondent writes: - The Narooma footballers journeyed to Bodalla last Saturday to play a match with the local boys. A most enjoyable game ended in a draw both sides scoring 3 points. Mr. J. Brown gave complete satisfaction as a referee. The euchre tournament and dance last night was well attended – all the tables being occupied. The gent’s prize – a fountain pen – was won by Mr. Templeman, and the lady’s – a silver-mounted comb – by Miss Marsden. The booby prizes were won by Miss Ronnie Bulgaries and Mr. Smith. The drought has broken up – steady rain is falling, over 6 inches have been registered. A strong committee has been formed to arrange for the entertainment of the March to Freedom boys on their visit to Bodalla.
Nineteen 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1917 are available ($5 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (