Bay Post Editor Kerrie O’Connor and her versatile assistant Kate Lockley facilitated a lively interactive session at EuroSCUG computer group’s last meeting. Kerrie outlined the history of the Fairfax Fix it Now Campaign, launched in March to put pressure on politicians to upgrade the Princes Highway south of Nowra, following some horrific accidents.

Above: "Crack Team K" on a Mission- Fix it Now!
Kerrie gave a brief history of the campaign, strongly supported by her staff in view of the trauma they suffer when attending such accidents. She asked members for comments or suggestions regarding the campaign.
Several members responded, one telling of his traumatic experiences attending accidents as an emergency service member. Others were concerned about bike safety, wire dividers, and driver behaviour. Kerrie mentioned the Moruya TeenSafe and Eurobodalla Council’s Y Drive driver education programmes, and recommended that members write to the local papers expressing their support, concerns, and recommendations.

Kerrie invited members to help prepare the next day’s Independent paper. She asked Kate to outline the process involved in preparing her impressive article on the exchange student in that day’s Bay Post, as she thought it would make a good front page Independent story, especially with the lovely casual photo of the exchange student’s “family”. Kate explained that she had spent some time talking to the family, building rapport, and asking questions about their shared experiences during the student’s visit. She then shaped the interview into a story, finally checking for human interest, and correct spelling and grammar. Her enthusiasm for her job shone through.
At EuroSCUG’s next meeting, at 10am on Wednesday 1st August, at Moruya Golf Club, guest speaker Stewart Needham will talk about the new innovative self-guided information system recently installed at the Eurobodalla Botanic Gardens. Using iPads, visitors can walk around the gardens, scanning signs, and browsing information about plants, insects, birds and other features.
After morning tea, small groups will cover various topics, including Pay Pal and Electronic Fund Transfers, KeePass password manager, online shopping, and Powerpoint films. A Help Desk will be available to provide assistance with hardware or software problems.
EuroSCUG is a group of seniors sharing computer experiences and friendship. Members meet at 10am on the first Wednesday of the month at Moruya Golf Club, and local area groups meet regularly in towns along the Eurobodalla. Monthly tablet groups (iPad and Android) are also held.
For more information visit our website at, or phone 0431 809 073

Above: Amanda Annabel, Kate Lockley, and Kerrie O'Connor.