Entries close soon for Over 35’s Tennis Tournament! Entries for the 2018 Moruya Country Market Seniors Tennis Tournament close Wednesday 15th August, 2018. The tournament will be held 24-26 August, 2018 at Moruya Tennis Club. It’s a fun 3 days of tennis for Over 35’s, with events in singles, doubles and mixed doubles. Each event is finished in half a day, players may enter up to 5 events, and, all events are round-robin format so there’s plenty of tennis for everyone. Player ages range from 30’s to 80’s, while standards range from keen local social players to those who have represented Australia. Players come from A.C.T., Sydney and across Southern NSW. Entry fee is $15.00 per person per event. Spectators are free and very welcome. Entry forms/more info available from our website: www.moruya.seniorstennis.org Or call Brian on 0499 736 669.”

Above: Moruya’s Noel Brooks and Wayne Riches at last year’s tournament