UOW Batemans Bay is pleased to announce that the University of Wollongong’s Early Learning Labs Program is coming to the Eurobodalla! This October school holiday’s students from the region will have an opportunity to participate in challenging, fun and innovative workshops, designed to offer students the ability to explore new ideas and new experiences.
The workshops began at the University of Wollongong (Wollongong) in 2012, and are in big demand among high-achieving students, with the number of participants increasing to over 1000 in July school holidays 2018. Learning Labs is an extension of the In2Uni Program which has been delivered in local schools since 2011. A partnership between the University of Wollongong, Department of Education and Communities and the Catholic Education Office, In2Uni is founded on a united focus of fostering lifelong learning and engagement with education, whilst providing tangible outcomes for individuals. The programs connect with individuals in schools and communities to build their awareness and aspirations toward higher education and to provide students with the knowledge and skills to achieve those goals; not only ensuring their successful journey but providing support once there.
Learning Labs is a popular enrichment program, designed for students who are performing in the top 10%- 15% in their area of interest within their peer group, and are seeking a challenging and fun experience during the school holidays. All workshops are held over two days, and are presented by teachers and experts with specialist training. Learning Labs workshops cover a range of diverse and innovative disciplines that are designed to challenge and stimulate the interest of the academically gifted. Here is a taste of what’s coming up for Learning Labbers in October:
Years 3 & 4:
· Dig it: An introduction to Archaeology
· Put yourself in the picture
· Lighten up the world
Years 5 & 6:
· Momentum Mathematics
· An Enchanting Experience: 3D Theatre Props & Set-Making
· Capture the creative writer in you
Professor Paul Chandler, Executive Director of Early Start and Pro Vice-Chancellor (Inclusion & Outreach) said the Learning Labs helped to foster a lifelong love of learning among children.
He said they gave keen students a chance to learn something different to what was covered during the school year, as well as an opportunity to meet like-minded kids.
For detailed workshop descriptions, how to apply, FAQ’s, and the online application form, please go to: uow.info/learninglabs
There will be sponsorship places available for some participants- please see more details on how to apply for these places on the website.
Applications close: Monday 13th August 2018.