From a field of ten exceptional students, Findlay Walker, of Sapphire Coast Anglican College, emerged the winner in this year’s Quota International Student of the Year Quest, held at Club Narooma on 14 August. The Year 10 student received a $250 prize and trophy.Findlay now progresses to the Region 14 final, to be held on 8 September in Goulburn.The runner-up, and winner of the $100 prize, was Geena Thomas, a Year 10 student from Narooma Public School. In addition to Geena, Narooma High School was strongly represented by Rory Spurgeon, Mitchell Verrall and Jade Vlatkovic who spoke with confidence and personality. Also delighting the audience were locals Suzanna Boulton (home-schooled in Dalmeny) and Anna Rogerson (Carroll College), as well as Sophie Brown (St. Peter’s College), Jemma Harvey (Bega High School), and David Perry (Sapphire Coast Anglican College). All candidates received certificates of participation and a gift.The quest is sponsored annually by Quota International of Narooma. It allows the students to practice their public-speaking and inter-personal skills. The difficult task of judging the contest was expertly handled by Danielle Brice, Bob Aston and Sandra Doyle. Throughout the afternoon, the judges interviewed the students on their general knowledge, citizenship contributions and leadership potential. Following the interview, the students faced a large audience of 70 or more community members, parents, teachers and friends on a prepared topic. This four-minute speech was followed by a one-minute ad lib speech on a topic they were given just prior to coming to the podium. Although the ad lib speech is short in length, it is perhaps the most difficult part of the contest, and certainly one that looms large in the entrants’ minds. Danielle Brice gave the judges’ remarks, first congratulating the students on the calibre of their performance. The judges advised the students not to be afraid to have opinions, and to think creatively. Deputy Youth Coordinator for Quota Region 14, Jean Lloyd, spoke about the benefits of public-speaking and thanked parents and teachers for encouraging the students to get involved.Quota is again grateful for the support of Club Narooma and Georgie’s Fine Jewellery for their assistance with the Student of the Year Quest. Organisers extended "A big thank you to our judges Danielle Brice, Bob Aston and Sandra Doyle and our presenters Clr Lindsay Brown, Clr Phil Constable and Club Narooma president Graham Reeve."

Above: Clr Lindsay Brown presented the winner's shield to Findlay Walker of Sapphire Coast Anglican College Bega.

Above: Runner-up Geena Thomas accepted her trophy from President Graham Reeve of Club Narooma

Above: Judges Danielle Brice, Bob Aston and Sandra Doyle

Above: The ten participants of Quota International of Narooma 's Student of the Year Quest. Entrants in Quota’s Student of the Year Quest included: (standing) Sophie Brown, Mitchell Verrall, Suzanna Boulton, Rory Spurgeon, Jemma Harvey, David Perry, winner Findlay Walker, (and seated) runner-up Geena Thomas, Anna Rogerson and Jade Vlatkovic.

Above: Clr Phil Constable displaying the Student of the Year Perpetual Shield, with Findlay Walker of Sapphire Coast Anglican College Bega. The Student of the Year Perpetual Shield will be displayed at the winning student’s high school.