Ronnie Dunne and Daniel Parsons, from Haven Quality Meats, inspected the auction items at the Batemans Bay Bowling Club looking for chairs for their new catering business. While poking about they had a look in one of the sheds and realised that it contained heaps of memorabilia. It contained over 20 photo albums and newspaper clipping. old record books. Local Historian Leah Burke told The Beagle “About 20 pennants the Womens Club had won over the years. Some of the items were so badly damaged they couldn't be saved but have to be thankful for what we can keep. “Daniel and Ronnie have handed over the memorabilia to be scanned and recorded. Thank heavens it was two local boys who knew the value of their find and respected it enough to save it. “

Bowlo’s "Dead Ends" The Old Courthouse Museum is hosting an afternoon tea for anecdotes, photos, video, and memorabilia marking the demolition of the Batemans Bay Bowl. Come along and share the good times! There will be an opportunity to have your memories recorded. Date: Tuesday, September 25th 2pm - 4pm. Afternoon tea provided, $5 pp.Kindly confirm attendance by September 20th for catering purposes. 0244 721635