Your up to date fishing report compliments of Tackle World Moruya Moruya and Tuross Rivers Moruya river has been a tough one as of late. Low water temperatures and lack of rain has allowed algae to spread throughout the system. This rules out lure fishing in some areas as it continually fouls the lure. The bait fishing however has produced plenty of luderick up around the hospital rocks area. Quarry wharf and the rock wall near Preddy’s wharf are also producing bream, trevally and tailor using baits like tuna fillets and prawns.Some nice winter whiting are being caught up around the snake flat area at Tuross. Fresh squirt worms being the bait of choice.Flathead are being caught around the four-ways in the shallows, 2 to 3 foot of water. Slow rolled Daiwa double clutches working best.Estuary perch and bream have been caught in the channel near the boat shed. FG blades are working great and baits like worms and mullet fillets also. Rocks and beaches The beaches are fishing well all up and down the coast as of late. Bream, salmon and tailor are all being caught targeting the gutters with baits like prawns, beach worms and pillies. Spinning Arma metals has also proved to be very effective this past week. Squid have been a little hit and miss but a few are still being caught around the Moruya Heads area. Yamashita jigs have been working well.Binji and Moruya Heads have been the places to go if targeting drummer. Cunji and peeled prawns have both worked well.Unfortunately due to the strong August winds we don't have any offshore reports this week. The following freshwater report is brought to us by Josh, owner, Tackle World Goulburn. Wyangala Dam Not long now - Grabine fishing comp is just around the corner. You can sign up now on facebook - see the sign up post on our shop page. Reports have been limited as of late due to the weather being so unstable and the dam is dropping at present which does shut the bite down. If your heading out there for a pre-fish or just to get away, I would strongly recommend fishing shallow no more than 4 metres. Most fish are looking for warmth and will move into the shallows through the day for some sunshine. Fishing from the banks with worms are by far your best bet. Pejar Dam Has anyone got a spare Grenade? Unfortunately the dam has shut down, with zero fish reported this week. There has been some talk about the water level dropping but that's about it. If your thinking about heading out there I would recommend bait fishing using either Powerbait and worms - this will allow you to stay in the warmth of the car and catch up on some reading. If you want to brave the conditions cast a few Tassie Devils around. Wollondilly River The river system above the weirs are fishing great. Darrell O'Donnell armed with three new Jackson lures that have just been released has had a field day catching good sized reddies within five minutes of being there and highly recommends the new lures for quick action. Tight lines my friends and remember “every day’s a good day for fishing … “ Team Tackle World Moruya