Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 24 August 1918, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:
DAILY SERVICE. – Lawless & Manns notify in this issue that on and after Monday next, 26th inst., they will run a daily motor service between Moruya and Nowra.
NEW AGENCY. – Mr. H. J. Bate has been appointed agent for Ford Cars and Lorries for the Eurobodalla Shire. In making the appointment Messrs. Davies and Fehon recognised Mr. Bate as one of the senior motorists of the Shire, and having owned and driven quite a number of different styles of cars, his experience must prove of value to intending purchasers. Mr. A. H. Weatherby will have charge of affairs in Moruya.
ACCIDENT. – A painful accident befell Mrs. E. Parbery at Bermagui. She had a baby in her arms and was being driven in a sulky by her husband, when one wheel went over a stump and threw the occupants out. A wheel grazed Mrs. Parbery’s head, completely severing one ear. The doctor inserted a couple of stitches and gave necessary surgical attention, and we are glad to know the patient is doing well. – Cobargo “Chronicle.”
RECRUITING. – We are getting heartily sick of the insults and innuendos repeatedly thrown out by certain of our neighbouring papers against Moruya as to the number of its recruits. We maintain that for a small and sparsely populated district such as Moruya undoubtedly is, it has done well enough.
WANT TO KNOW. – This paper wants to know why Mr. Stan Rodd of Bega, and who claims Moruya as his native place, is not at the front.
BERGALIA WELCOME. – On Friday 9th inst., the South Coast March to Freedom was heartily welcomed by the residents of Bergalia and surroundings. The soldiers who marched from beyond Bergalia store were met by the school children and residents and then marched to the Bergalia Cheese Factory, where, after stirring selections from the Band, (concluding with God Save the King), they partook of light refreshments. Seating accommodation was ample for the whole column, and the tables prettily decorated, were laden with good things provided by the Ladies. The soldiers’ need for the soothing weed was not forgotten, as when ample justice had been done at the table, they were supplied with cigarettes. The column then continued their journey to Moruya amidst hearty cheers.
MR. T. W. DRAPER’S motor lorry met with an accident at Reedy Creek, in the Braidwood district, on Friday last.
Australia will provide a god-send to the conscript nations. Noo Zilland is getting a couple of million bushels of wheat to feed her folks.
PARISHIONER’S WELCOME. – St. John’s Parishioners announce a Welcome in the shape of a Social Evening, to their new clergyman, the Rev. G. A. Sanders, to take place in the Mechanics’ Hall on Monday night next at 8 p.m.
MARRIAGE. – Mr. W. Anderson, our tonsorial artist of Vulcan Street, was married at Araluen on Wednesday to Miss Stasia Byrne, daughter of Mr. John Byrne, of Araluen, Rev. Father O’Donnell officiating.
WEDDING. – On Saturday, August 17th, at the Church of England, Moruya, the Rev. Sanders united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Mr. R. Nixon, Public School, Bodalla, to Mrs. J. Sykes, widow of the late Corporal Sykes, and daughter of Mr. A. W. Milliner, Bodalla, late of Candelo.
SHALLOW CROSSING. – Persons on the lookout for a comfortable and compact homestead, should strain a point to attend the sale of the late Mr. Tomas Shoebridge’s well provisioned property situate at Shallow Crossing, on the Clyde River. By a perusal of the advertisement, which appears in our business columns, it will be seen that nothing has been neglected by the late owner to make the Shallow Crossing Residence and farm with its orchard of 170 apple and orange trees, one of the most up-to-date to be found on the picturesque banks of the magnificent Clyde River.
Nineteen 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1917 are available ($5 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (