The ‘Wheel Gully’ fire is 23 km NW of Moruya, covering an area of approximately 3.5 square kms, of which 2 thirds is private property, the rest being in Deua National Park.

Believed to have begun on private property during the high winds last week, the fire is being managed by the NPWS, using fixed wing aircraft and 5 helicopters.
3 bulldozers and a number of remote area NPWS fire fighting crews from around the state, continue the arduous task of putting in control lines in very difficult terrain.
Deua River brigade members have been carrying out night patrols which require a 3 hour return journey to/from the fire ground.
An operational base for aircraft refuelling and fire fighting crews has been set up at Merricumbene on the Araluen Road. Work will continue in order to control and contain this fire, but only rain can extinguish it.