Tuross Head Fishing club Competition Secretary Report
August 2018
This weekend’s Goblet was Morwong. Typical August weather made fishing very comfortable in all areas for this weekend. Outside anglers had strong west to north westerly winds to chase the goblet. The fishing, however, was still slow, 14 anglers fished. The 14 anglers consisted of 6 Ladies, 8 Men. Between them, they caught 52 fish. 3 Morwong were caught for the weekend. Scott Paul caught a very nice Salmon measuring in at 70.3cm on 4lb in the lake.
Mystery fish drew no.11 Flounder which was not won and jackpots to $250
Goblet: Morwong Rachel Weatherby 54.4 cm 127.60 points

Rachel Weatherby winning Morwong

Scott Paul’s salmon

David Backhouse 70cm Flathead
Outside Gav Robinson S/Fathead 56 cm 101.88 points
Lake and Estuary Scott Paul Salmon 70.3 cm 130.75 points
Rock & Beach Mathew Roberts Salmon 52.7 cm 86.75 points
Outside Rachel Weatherby Morwong 54.4cm 127.60 points
Lake and Estuary N/A
Rock & Beach Jeanie Dixon Salmon 48 cm 75.00 points
Junior N/A

David Backhouse with a nice 62cm Snapper
Turkey…… Vicki Ballard for casting her rod and catching a tree