The Community Workshed was inundated with interested members of the public at a recent Open Day. Members of the Workshed were available to demonstrate the various pieces of equipment we have with several people joining on the spot. The deal was sealed with a tasty sausage sizzle and cake with a cuppa.
Several women have also joined as this is the only workshed on the south coast that welcomes women. Interest has been expressed in learning how to use the various woodworking and metalworking tools and how to apply them to their own projects. Members Terry Holcombe and John Clarke demonstrated their uses and lapsed members Bob Reeve and Bob Cripps rejoined bringing with them a wealth of knowledge and experience.
New members commented on the happy vibrant atmosphere in the shed so the future looks rosy. Members meet every Wednesday and Friday between 9 and 2.30. Enquiries to Bruce Findlay on 0423 710 067

Above: Ann Rich and Ken and Kath Torkington

Above: John Clark with Jenny Barnes and Bob Reeve

Above: Bob Cripps, Terry Holcombe and Bob Reeve