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100 Years Ago - Sept 7th 1918

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 7 September 1918, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:

OURSELVES. – In consequence of innumerable requests from our patrons throughout the district not to dispose of the “Examiner,” a promise by the Lady Editor to undertake the major portion of the clerical duties, and the important factor that we have not received a legitimate offer of purchase, we have decided to carry on the paper until further notice.

DEATH. – The death of Mrs. Holcombe aged 74 years, took place at the residence of Mr. C. Knott, Pilot Master, Narooma on Friday last. The deceased lady had been suffering for 2½years from a malignant growth and during that time had been tenderly and devotedly nursed by her only child, Mrs. C. Knott, who was assisted for the past six months by a trained nurse. Mrs. Holcombe who was a native of England was a member of the well-known Honey family of Kiama.

PRESBYTERIAN. – Our Presbyterian friends, who have never been a source of trouble top the public in the shape of appeals for monetary assistance except on rare occasions, announce by preliminary notice in this issue that they will hold a Scotch Fare and Conversazione on November the 9th.

MOTOR ACCIDENT. – We are sorry to report that Mr. C. Callaghan, of Bodalla, received some painful bruises and abrasions a few days ago through being struck and hurled some distance by a motor car, which swished round the sharp turn near the Bodalla Hotel at a quick pace on its way to Moruya. Mr. Callaghan was in the act of spreading metal on the road at the time.

MORUYA SHOW. – Owing to an awakening of our people as to their duty to their district and themselves there now appears to be a prospect that the Moruya Annual Show of 1919 will not be abandoned after all. In compliance with a general appeal for a public meeting Mr. T. Flood has convened one to be held tonight in the Shire Hall. The Meeting tonight will be largely attended, not only by our business men and farmers, but also by the ladies of the district who are especially invited.

WEDDING. – A wedding that is of interest to Moruya readers was celebrated at the Union Church Araluen on Monday last when Mr. Claude Donnelly of this town was united to Janet Maud, daughter of Mr. A. E. Herbert of Araluen. A crowded church witnessed the ceremony which was performed by Rev. E. W. Hyde. A lavish breakfast was served to a large company at the home of the bride’s parents and it was nearly the “peep o’day” when the dancers dispersed.

NERRIGUNDAH. – (From our Correspondent)

A pretty wedding was solemnised at Christ Church, Nerrigundah, on August 28th, by the Rev. Mr. Lewin of Bodalla, uniting in the holy bonds of matrimony our popular townsman, David Silvester Roach, to our esteemed young friend, Alfreda Katherine Moore. The church was filled with friends and well-wishers of the happy couple. The bride, who looked charming, wore a gown of ivory Indian silk, veil of hand embroidered tulle and carried a shower bouquet of white carnations. The bridesmaids, Misses Nellie O’Keefe and Clarace Keyte, were prettily attired in costumes of white embroidered naige voile and mob caps of pale pink tulle. A night reception was held in the Hall, Miss V. Wilson presiding on the piano. Dancing was kept up until the early hours of morning. The happy couple left by car, kindly lent by Mr. J. Duncan for the occasion, and amidst the cheers and good wishes of a host of friends, started on a trip on the south coast.


It is reported that the Germans are about to abandon La Fere and Channy.

The British have captured Ploegsteert and Hill 63, south-west of Messines. They have taken 16,000 prisoners and one hundred guns in four days.

The French and Americans north of Vesle have reached the line of Aisne. The Germans are retreating.

Nineteen 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1917 are available ($5 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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