We would like to remind all CWA Branch Members and Office Bearers from Batemans Bay to Eden the Far South Coast Group of the CWA of NSW is holding the Annual Conference and AGM in the Hall at 3 Bate St Central Tilba on Monday 22nd October from 9:30am for commencement at 10am. The conferance is being hosted by the Tilba CWA Branch and our guest speaker is Michelle Preston speaking about "ICE--turning family pain into power

The Far South Coast Group consists of 10 Branches of the CWA of NSW covering the area from Batemans Bay to Eden.Each Branch has the ability at the AGM to have a member or members elected to positions as Office Bearers within the Group. Also all Branches elect at Branch AGM two councillors to attend the FSCG meetings during the year so that Branches are kept in contact with each other during the year and know what other Branches are doing.